You have to admit PUG BGs are nightmare in SoD

Exactly people that actually enjoy PvP or look forward to facing other premades wouldn’t really fear a change like this because the goals are completely different in SOD. You don’t actually need to be grinding 5 million hours a week just to stop yourself deranking because it doesn’t exist and ranks are capped all the way to AQ.

It’s only the scrubmades or people that suck in PvP that fear a change like this because they would actually have to face real teams and lose 80% of the time.


Well duo players wouldn’t be possible since it’s solo queue. As far as single players go if you had an extremely good Druid that knows all the tricks then it could make it very difficult even if the other side has a better setup. Still won’t win the game if everyone is just running around like bots mid field farming kills.

As a solo queue player you definitely aren’t farming rep/honor more efficiently that premade v premade. As I & others have stated most premades give up after first cap making it almost as efficient as farming pugs anyway. You dont have that annoying guy hiding with the flag in some obscure place when that happens or that annoying druid who can run a premade all over the map because he knows exactly how to FC.

If the premade situation continues all that’s going to happen is the game will take unnecessary loses and everyone that wants to PvP will be forced into AV at 50. Premade queues will go up anyway because no one is playing WSG and everyone can enjoy the pve race of AV.

They repeat the same mistake, allow premade vs pugs, and many people just quit the game

Anyone that farmed epic wrist in SoD is a hero.

When doing Battlegrounds as solo queue payer, for best experience, you have to approach it the right way. You must have no expectations, and always have plan, what you will do if things don’t go well for you. (that works for many other cases)
First of all, that some say - it was been better ago, etc, it is not true! It always have been the same and always will be.

  • In solo que you are not joining on precisely planned and prepared event. It is not premade group, it is not tournament.
  • You are in group with random ppl, you do not know them! You do not know who sits behind the keyboard, from where they play, in what mod, what’s going on around them, how dedicated or skilled they are and so on.
  • It is about luck, what vs what is put together.
  • If your team is bad, it can be by different reasons-bad class/spec stack, ppl afk, team do not want to communicate and cannot work together by some reasons, ppl low on gear compared to enemy and many other reasons. Most important is if team do not want to cooperate, it is pretty much done, you can do nothing about it.
  • In cases where all go bad, simple leave the game! It is best you can do. You will have your punishment - 15min deserter, but that is. If tou think it is selfish, we’ll everything is selfish, at first place you play the game because you like it, not because others do. If you stay, you will get yourself in negative mod, because of ppl who do not care about you. It is a game, and meant to be fun, you have to remove or ignore everything that makes it not fun for you. There is no perfect world.
    So, leave Battleground, do something for 15 min, try again. If not happening, try alternative way for rep, there is Ashenvale, there is STV event. They are not best, but it works. I get exalted in WSG on p1 as solo queue, every other game was vs premade, i did not join any, rogues was not wanted anyway. It was bad, slow, but I did it and will not going to WSG again, for me it is garbage.
    AB is better Bg., I like it. Slower rep though.
    I hope this helps.