You have to admit PUG BGs are nightmare in SoD

There’s so many variables that can make WSG a total mess.

  1. AFK at start (usually 1-2 every time) for the first fight, after which the game direction changes.
  2. VERY low geared people with 700 health or just disabled ones, low levels
  3. A stack of unpopular classes like rogues
  4. An enemy with 4 paladins / 3 priests
  5. No FC / enemy good FC

Shaman with cloth items and no shield, 700 health. What the hell?
If you can do that for 100 wins to exalted, you’re a hero or mentally challenged

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I absolutely agree. I don’t have all the answers, but I feel like there needs to be a queue that is for PUG only, not allowing any premades in what so ever. Ofc a regular queue with allowance of premades. But a PUG vs a premade is over before it started, there will be no denying it.
It’s not a ‘battle’ if one side is heavily coordinated (voice coms etc) and have propper composition while the other side is just a bunch of randoms - many times even without a single healer. this is just a massacre. I would assume no fun for either part?

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You agree but you also say the completely opposite thing.

This post is 100% correct, there is no MMR or spec matchmaking system thats why pug groups are not appropriate for Classic BGs.

Soo you suggest for a solo queue only where every team has to be messed up and only the lucky ones who end up with healers, proper FC, geared players, less bots and afkers in there group wins.

And a premades only queue where only a few tryhards will survive by trade wins with eachother and if it happens a random premade gets in there way they will crash it till they disband.

What a great idea! Gz!

A premade v premade would just result in a massive win trading. Basically an unwritten rule of meet in the middle, and who loses stops trying, like it was done during ranking.
And how would the separation work exactly? What if you join as 2, do you go to random queue or premade? What if you are 3? 5? 7?
Or do you make it so that only a group of 1 or 10 can even queue at all? Can you imagine the one intern working on Classic figuring out how to code that?

The current BG system we have is the healthiest we can get in Classic.

I can’t believe that people who join solo to end up teaming with random afkers, bots, ungeared players and random classes want a fair fight.


So what you are saying is that there is no place for PUG to have a fair chance, and everyone must do pre-made in order to have a slight chance in bg ?
Honestly, that is not how I remember doing pvp back in the vanilla days.

Nothing will be like first vanilla, people desperately want to bring this feeling back but it’s impossible, everyone are better now and know how to play

Exactly, thats why vanilla wow will always be the best version of wow cos is builded strongly around group content in mind and the social aspect.

That means you have to talk with other players and group up to succeed for your elite quests, dungeons, raids, world pvp and battlegrounds

Join solo for a BG is an optional choice that is coming with consequences (premade enemy team, bad team setup, semiafkers and more) if you decide to do that do not complain after


i prefer queue solo than with these unmighty, ball’less, challengeless →

Easy win is not a win in this game

Separates queue deserve a try, it’s SoD, let’s discover if these premades have balls

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You join groups for Dungeons and Raids, why wouldn’t you for team PvP encounters?

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The problem is, Premades don’t want to fight premades. They are solely doing it to grind against PuGs. The PuG has no fun. Being in the premade is not fun either, since so many games are steamrolled.
Just separate PuG and Premade queues. I don’t mind losing because of the random things stated, that’s the nature of PuGs. I do mind looking at the names at the start, knowing it’s a preordained loss, and then having to wait for the next game - which is invariably the same.


Believe me, I would love to.
Try forming a well composed premade though. It least on the real I am on it is very difficult to find willing Priests, the backbone of any SoD Premade at this point sadly.
Is it impossible? No. Is it extremely difficult to find a full group of correct classes, yes indeed it is.

and maybe because we are in Phase 1 of SoD they don’t have other choice than healing but:

Most Alliance Priests just want to be sexy dark shadow priest doing darkdamage (yeah they are too dark and sexy yeah) and never heal their team, this is only a 4 years of Classic observation… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How do you know what premades set out to do? Most premades, admittedly, set out to maximise chances of winning by optimising comp and ensuring 2/3 healers, having a semblance of organisation; is it their fault if their opposition insists on queuing in a disarrayed fashion, time after time?

By all means create separate queues (with separate rewards so that premades are still incentivised), but the victim mentality is getting boring now.

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Extra rewards for what exactly? Folding after the first flag is capped or they lose the first team fight?

Yeah that’s a thing and a lot of premades do it so they can get into the next match with the hope of facerolling a pug.


Extra rewards for:

  • Enduring longer pops
  • Having to face off against harder, more optimised opposition
  • Incentivising group play in a group-based MMO

Simply put, without extra incentives, a Solo Queue will just kill off premades, but something tells me you are quite okay with this.

Well WSG is just a bad bg overall like there is 0 timer u get bad rep even if u win :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s still much faster to grind rep and honor in a proper premade than it is to solo queue. Don’t think I’ve ever sat in a premade v premade match for 45 mins before, which is a pretty common occurrence in pug v pug.

As I said premades have unwritten rules that most people play by and I’m sure this would be even more prevalent in premade v premade only queues.

Maybe you can get a special sticker or mount or something to show how good you’re a PvP.

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Always a cute little ad hominem, eh!

A dominant duo or, heck, even a good solo player will be able to capitalise heavily on weaker, green-geared opponents. Good players queuing for solo will accrue rewards at a quicker pace when the vast majority of pugs seem to give up at the first hurdle anyway.

Nah, imo vsing pugs is really boring and not satisfying at all.

Stomping an opposing premade on the other hand feels great.
Generally premades stop trying after the first cap, which would ironically make the games/grind just as fast.

Vsing pugs is only really good for honor, which everyone is already caped on.