You just lied to us. Heroic raiders smashing everybody

I feel like in MoP and earlier expansion you could compete with blues in an avrage bg game, and for me this stopped in WoD but now i can actually kill level 60 when im leveling my alts. Although some specs just straight out 1 hit you becuase of good gear but you stand a chance with low gear against the specs that isn’t over tuned atm.

That being said gear doesn’t matter that much as it used to in BfA, Legion and WoD bnut again thats just what i feel like. Why do i feel this way? well i have played most bg’s since the release of shadowlands and i can outplay players with better gear than me unless they have an outstanding amount burst, this never happend in my bg’s from WoD to BfA. Thats just my opinion though not facts, just wanted to share my experience :slight_smile:

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