You just lied to us. Heroic raiders smashing everybody

You have promised that as a PVP-er i will be able to compete. I did what i should to be ok. I capped honor and conquest points for this week (550) and joined bgs. 184 ilvel with my shaman. Joining battlegrounds against russian team happened this

with most of them being like this

aka 199 ilevel PVE HEROIC RAIDER, smashing everybody.

You said if i do the content i enjoy i will be 95% able to compete against other people doing both content. This Russian guy is a PVE-er and does better than me with his PVE gear on PVP. And i cannot do better cause you time gated pvp gear both in honor and conquest (max cap).
PLEASE, if things are going to be like this let me know, to stop participating in the game, and not paying you anymore.


I feel like in MoP and earlier expansion you could compete with blues in an avrage bg game, and for me this stopped in WoD but now i can actually kill level 60 when im leveling my alts. Although some specs just straight out 1 hit you becuase of good gear but you stand a chance with low gear against the specs that isn’t over tuned atm.

That being said gear doesn’t matter that much as it used to in BfA, Legion and WoD bnut again thats just what i feel like. Why do i feel this way? well i have played most bg’s since the release of shadowlands and i can outplay players with better gear than me unless they have an outstanding amount burst, this never happend in my bg’s from WoD to BfA. Thats just my opinion though not facts, just wanted to share my experience :slight_smile:

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You meet a premade once in 7-10 games and you meet a heroic premade once in a week. Boo-hoo. It also takes some skill to clear heroic the first week, so let them enjoy their well earned loot.
I don’t think PVP will ever reward you same gear as rading and it probably shouldn’t. Rading encourages people to socialize and form long lasting communities, its healthy for the game. PVP is a small scale thing you can quit anytime.
Generally anybody can get heroic or equal gear and mythic raiders don’t do random bgs.
Like somebody said good gear can help you make playable your weak spec. If your spec is bad and gear doesn’t matter you can only reroll or quit.


The fact that you need to wait for renown 22 to upgrade normal level bg gear when pve players have raids and m+ open now is fairly annoying.

I’m fully capped on honor, have everything rank 5 and have my ONE possible conquest 213 piece with absolutely nothing to spend honor on meanwhile people are doing pve for 200-213 pieces all day.

Just keep it consistent, let me upgrade my gear to comparable levels with raids, 184 PVP is not a great balance vs 200-213 from pve.

Even if i could just buy conduits i want instead of the crappy limited vendor, seriously there is nothing for me to spend honor anymore that i know of, even next week when i get more conquest i won’t be spending 15k upgrading 1 piece.

Give me a lot more conduit and legendary power options for honor purchase.

PVE gear isnt timegated by renown, why is PVP?, Seriously imagine the storm if M+ key levels or Nathria wings were gated by renown.


Very nice answer

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This is blizzard, Can’t expect much lately. Honest truth…


Of course they should enjoy, but…

  1. i thought as pve -ers they enjoy their content and not smashing undegear people in battlegrounds.
  2. My real concern is ok, they must enjoy because they are trying hard on their content, but then why do you make my content time gated and you dont let me try hard too?

well some years ago they existed PVP guilds and people used to enjoy their pvp activities together too.

Of course anybody can, but why you should oblige anybody to play content they dont like… and dont tell me pls this is rpg game etc , cause again some years ago pre legion things were not tlike that.


I understand what you are saying here, but…
Since you are already capped on conq and honor, why not just compliment your gear and/or playtime by doing some m+ with friends over voicecoms (it’s really fun).
You don’t have to play wow exclusively for PvP, I mean I have done that in the past as well, and let me tell you, it’s like being on vacation on a Greek islands let’s say, and you choose not to go swimming/sunbathing because you don’t like seaweed. Or buying a pita gyros to eat and you remove all the filling and eat just the bread. Both are there for you, you payed for both (the location for your vacation and the pita gyros) but you chose to not take full advantage of them.
Same goes for WoW, both types of content are there for you, u chose to ignore or avoid one aspect and then feel.frustrated that a 201ilvl broken mm huntard from. Russian one shot your 184 pvp geared char (he could have easily done that to a same ilvl char).
TL;DR I feel you, try some pve as well.sincr it’s there :heart:
Take care :wink:

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Difference not a big deal. Tho this guy don’t know how is tryhard premade can play. Played with few in Legion in BFA, its a BG where u can use BL, flask, 30% dmg buff pots and other stuff. People just faceroll randoms, healers die in 2 seconds, whole grp in 4-5. Even in Legion, where was a templates was the same. Meanwhile random casual AFK-rs don’t even know how to push butons, came for AFK-honor leech and want to get freewin for nothing.

I wouldn’t be too quick to judge pvp at present without been epic upgraded.

For pve my item lvl is much higher yet I’ll still drop my ilvl for epic pvp gear as I’ve got more vers, 20% seems to be the magic number for surviving

Genuinely wtf are you even babbling about?

Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. All I am saying is since he is paying for the whole game, pvp and pve content, he should try and do both since he is already capped in pvp. And progress his gear a bit more to be competitive vs people who got loot from the raid and m+.

Why should PVP players have to do PVE to compete with PVE players in PVP?
Why is PVP gear timegated by renown when PVE is not gated by renown?

“Just PVE” is probably THE dumbest solution possible to this issue.


Yet it is a solution, might be a bad one in your eyes but that doesn’t make it any less of a solution until the actual developers come up with something, if anything.
Have a great afternoon.

Well, you are correct.

Yes, they should fix it. Eg, by adding specialized PVP stats that will only occur on PVP gear and improve that gear in PVP dramatically. (Versa isn’t that at the moment.)


Maybe next exp we should try PVP as the primary way of gearing, time gate PVE gear and see how they would react to being told to “just do pvp 4head”


That would be interesting indeed!

If only they added something to normalise stats of people in instanced PvP, perhaps giving 1% extra stats per 10 ilvl over a threshold so there is still some form of progression? Maybe some kind of template?

buff versatility by 1/3 and damage reduction to be equal to damage from pvp only obtained gear, fix trinkets to show real versa when bonus is present

problem solved, pve geared ppl won’t swarm arena and bg

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What is fun for one may not be for another, for me and many others, dungeons and raids are boring, it’s just pre-programmed enemies doing exactly the same thing every time, varying from one dungeon to another but they’re all basically the same. I have to be excruciatingly bored and fed up with PVP before raiding becomes an attractive proposition.