You know what, I'm about to say it

You can, just look at Baine!

I like to act as if nothing about Shadowlands is common knowledge. When people talk about Ardenweald, for example, my NElves will act as if its just another part of the Emerald Dream…



Thank you for replying. That was the longest breath I ever held in my life… I swear.

Shadowlands did indeed happend out of the general Azeroth’s populace knowledge…

Only those involved and the forces needed would know of what transpired there.

But where does that leave us in the horde? Our Warchief went in… A council came out?

What does the horde citizen and population know about what happend and why that is?

You should take it easy, people have social lives, jobs, etc… Sometimes it might even take a day for people to reply to a comment!


they’re concerned about the trout population i think


I try! Sorry I am chronically online and very jitterish xD and used to the general discussions forums.

Not really. Members of the Horde swear an oath to the warchief, if you’re against the warchief, that doesn’t click.

Though of course, regime changes happen.

It has never been mentioned on Azeroth, at least.

They know Sylvanas bailed out in 8.2.5 and some time later a council was established in place of a warchief.

Also chill man


I will chill when I get the answer to this…

A Warchief went into the shadowlands… A council came out of it…? What does the Horde populace know? And what should we stick by as roleplayers. As general citizens of the Horde…

What do we make of the shadowlands and Sylvanas and the jailer? And the council of the horde that became after it?

I mean, in how far do they know the reasons why Thrall left and Garrosh became Warchief? Or why Garrosh was replaced while he was good for the Orcs and Taurens, and then replaced by Vol’jin, who did nothing for x years.

I doubt most members of the Horde even know why Sylvanas became Warchief in the first place; all they know is that she betrayed them, then a Scourge resurgance happened, the Leaders dissappeared(partly) and then when they came back they decided on a Council?(or was it before Thrall and Baine got kidnapped?)

Somebody should inform Baine and Vol’jin, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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A traitor who declared the Horde ‘nothing’ flew away from Orgrimmar and, as far as most of the populace is concerned, was not seen again after that.

Some time later the leaders of the rebels as well as the various racial leaders formed a council to lead the Horde, dismantling the role of Warchief.

This all happened before the sky-hole and Shadowlands thing ever even started.

At some point some of the leaders were attacked and a scourge invasion happened, but after some business beyond the sky-hole in Icecrown all is returned to normal and the hole in the sky is gone and the Scourge is restrained to Northrend once more.

That’s really just about it.

Both of whom were considered traitors of the Horde and hunted by those loyal to the warchief at the time of their rebellion, yes.

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And both ended up in leadership positions even if said loyalists(which were always more numerous) know they were traitors and hunted them down…

Ah, I thought it was afterwards… But now I remeber the story about Thrall, Baine and Calia visiting Tyrande in Mt. Hyjal!

I think we roleplayers take things far too much into the ‘it needs to be explicitely seen otherwise it hasn’t happened’, which in some occasions creates roleplay, but in others, we really begin to think that major lore events have just gone unnoticed by the general populace.

This is one of such cases. We’re giving the in-universe world too little credit to the point where we’re beginning to wonder if the Horde knows about anything that’s happened with its leadership in the last decade. In-universe characters are not so oblivious as to not realise at least something over the span of 6 years, no less in a world where the Lich King told Tirion not to tell anyone of what happened there, then Tirion told Jaina, then Jaina told-

And the Horde definitely knows why Sylvanas became warchief, there’s an entire cutscene where she gives a short speech right after becoming the warchief of the Horde.


Like I said,

But at the time? They weren’t with the Horde, they were with their rebellions.

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Do we though? Do we really? Its not been many times ive ended up in this situastion… But Skullfox (Kenrou) Is definetely wary about his opinions when it comes to the 4th war…

What he can say. And what he can’t… To not get unwanted attention.

Either you support the whole thing. Or your a traitor sometimes…

I am not saying that the Horde supported her unfailably because of it, I am saying that the general Horde populace (not Vulpera, who didn’t even join until Sylvanas had been gone for a few months to begin with) know why she became warchief in the first place, not the full reason of her actions.

Besides, this speech was right after the Battle of the Broken Shore. If you were a member of the Horde and didn’t hear anything about literally the biggest military catastrophe for both the Horde and the Alliance since Icecrown’s war campaign from 3.0 to 3.3.5, then your character was under a rock or not a part of the Horde to begin with, like Vulpera were.

Like I said, we’re assuming that NPCs know so little about the world that they wouldn’t be aware of things that happened right in their very doorstep; in some of such cases, literally right in front of their front door, as that’s where the Sylvanas vs Saurfang mak’gora took place, or Shadowlands, where the Ebon Blade pulled up in the middle of Orgrimmar’s main district to tell everyone that most of their leaders had been kidnapped by Mawsworn.


Oh. I forgot that part, lol!

Fair enough… Although, I thought Vol’jin had the support of most Racial leaders from the start!

the heck am i saying. Nobody cares about that xD Delete!!

Take deep breaths.


this thread has affected it I think


this thread has affected it I think