You know what, I'm about to say it

I-I don’t think anyone is being serious Blondie.


If I want to attract a member of the opposite sex I leave a piece of cheese on a plate underneath a box propped up with a stick.

Then when they go to eat the cheese I pull the stick away, trapping them in the box.

Gets 'em every time.


If only women existed in real life as well as in the World of Warcraft :pensive:


Being a woman is only a stage in life.


“All the world’s a stage, and you still ain’t got no b-tches” - William Shakespeare


I like the smell of mowed grass.

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Good, that’s a prerequisite for the cool kids club.

Yer nan is a world tree

I was born from a tube as a failed USSR experiment.

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Is your evil twin the successful experiment?

I personally am more of a concept. My TRP says I’m in my 50s but I’m pretty sure I’ve only existed for no longer than 5 years. Anyway, I’m sure it’s nothing.

Did we decide what we’re doing with all the leftover lumber?

I don’t know. Guess all the tree’s good for now is for a huge charcoal resource.

I mean… that’s not even such a bad idea. Imagine how many BBQ’s we can pull from that baby? The Elves will probably get iffy about it again, but it be worth it.

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Towering the nearest gold mine.

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I need COPPER Ea-nāṣir!


I need COPPER Ea-nāṣir!

Don’t be rash :raised_hand:

Also, try not to get a rash.

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Can you be apart of the Horde and loyal to it at the same time. While not supporting genocide and world tree burning?

Asking for a Vulpera friend of mine.

My banner is red and I am wearing a skull for Loas sake… I just really would like to know.

Also Sylvanas used us for the ‘‘jailers’’ master plan… Is that common knowledge by now?
Will the horde just follow a next warchief just as blindly?

Didn’t mean to kill the argent dawn forums with it :x please

:poop: on my take and disagree with it to your hearts content.