You know what, I'm about to say it

Fun part about those commissions is; those OC’s willingly invaded Ashenvale to murder their way through and then hold Darnassus, filled with their friends, hostage… ._.

With friends like that, who even needs enemies?

(I don’t know any other reason why their OCs should be in Ashenvale at that exact moment?)


I can enthusiastically support mass murder, but I draw the line at like…MASS murder.


Like the good old days after Theramore!


Amen brother.

Calorie deficit workouts are not the way to gains.

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There was a druidic moot following the destruction of Teldrassil that occurred in both Moonglade and Hyjal on seperate occassions.

Seeing several tauren chant “Not my warchief” in character is some of the cringiest stuff I’ve ever seen, just this really uncomfortable co-opting of real-life politics into an edgy elf in a video game.


Sounds amazing I’m sad I missed it.


Take this memory from me. Leave no traces of it. It is yours now.


Did they also have placards with a hashtag on?


Granted my Tauren drood wasn’t very happy with what happened in BfA…

But she’d not be chanting like some angry Human perched up outside the Keep voicing their dislike for the King.

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All those wannabe badasses in BfA going “Not my warchief”, none of them leaving the Horde (the faction ruled by said warchief). smh non-committal cowards


I mean, real character progression would’ve been to become fully neutral and full on join the Cenarion Circle, but then they’d miss out on their sweet second life RP in Orgrimmar, or where ever it was at that point…


Nah, better to camp the Valley of Honor, openly declare you want Sylvanas dead (roughly a month after a short story described how Orgrimmar’s own security was upped to deal with Alliance spies, thus evidently having some sort of surveillance present) then start screeching about fascists and freedom of speech when the local Grunt guilds and pro-War Horde members react to your activities


I mean why? Why should they carry the consequences of their own actions??

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Don’t worry Atahalni, this classic is always dusted off to act as a counterweight.

The best part about BFA is that not only did Blizzard repeat their stories from Cata/MoP but so did the roleplayers. Including the rebellion two patches early. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


This truly is a nature’s sacrifice.

Perhaps they hoped to keep the elf slaughtering at a moderate 20%.

When we got at 60% then they were like “Now the Warchief is going to far.”

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Nightelfs lose another World tree

All of the Draenei:

“First time?”

That’s fine, it’s just a failed World tree. What about the people tho :open_mouth:

What people? There were only night elves.

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One arcane sanctum and one world tree…

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