You know what, I'm about to say it

Oh man this has to be my favourite one as well.
The funniest thing about it that even one elf on the left kinda looks like “Who the hell is this bozo? Why is this emotional troll waving his arms in front of us?”
I like to imagine the Elves attacked him in the back and the rangers attacked him at front.

Would’ve loved to draw a Blondie reaction, but it would probably just be the surface of Silverpine forest, as Blondie is still rotting beneath the ground there.

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They won’t be after the genocide. :smiling_imp:


At this point I don’t even understand what some players want, we get a narrative that avoids faction conflict, what we have left is war against either local or global threats, the former of which are gnolls.

Are we meant to only fight the Major Villain Faction of the season and befriend every local savage because some part of the playerbase relates us murdering gnolls/kobolds/murlocs to imperialism or colonialism?

Those gnolls were even pillaging, raiding the areas around them, enslaving their enemies as well as animals and apparently worshipped Nurgle. Why wouldn’t the Kirin Tor want them culled?


It’s really got like…
A cartoon characters crying at IRL tragedies vibe.

Shego… I can’t believe what happened to the Amazon Rainforest…


The quest chain was fun satire poking meta humour at the player for our willingness to murder and how little it actually effects the overworld despite the quest text promising it would.

People coming out of the wood works like with an attitude towards genocide like we haven’t committed dime a dozen for less already is just comical.


Also do NOT enjoy the villains otherwise YOU are the colonialist.
In fact, you shouldn’t like the idea of having villains at all.
Pretty sus…


It was also justified mass slaughter as it usually is when it comes to WoW.


For sure, and in the past we justified extinction of entire groups on far more shaky grounds.

but one self aware npc later and now its wrong?

No one in that zone believes Gnolls are good
even the tuskarr parents who take in the gnoll kid will tell you, yes we adopt stray gnolls sometimes it happens but when they get older they leave to be with their own kin.
and clearly they are not any more friendly towards anyone despite this.


So did anyone ever do a Despairing for Teldrassil art piece which was just an edit of DJ Khaled’s Suffering from Success album cover.


Gnolls are just misunderstood, them killing Tuskarr and feeding them to rot-cursed trees or flushing them down a rot-toilet behind the Altar of Decay are just part of their benign society.

Also the Centaur are simply racist for leaving an etched stone behind telling how Gnolls are unreasonable pillaging monsters. It’s all just a classic misunderstanding.


Aha but you see, it is a misunderstanding, kinda, sort of, maybe.
next expansion we will meet a new group of gnolls who are in no way related to the main land gnolls and they are good wholesome people.


Even mon-ark after that whole questline to clear out the decay flailing gnolls tells u: hmm yep u should go now even if i’m in charge because we will probably just rip u to shreds still anyway


Damn, what an inspirational icon. Wasn’t he being paraded as some LGBT mascot at one point because he didn’t care about gender, only becoming a ruler through slaughter and conquest?


For a brief while some deeply misguided twitter people embarrassingly considered mon-ark a non-binary icon yes while in reality it’s just a gnoll being an idiot as gnolls tend to do.


Now you are just repeating yourself


So basically girlboss, gaslight and genocide?

Are we talking about the Shadowlands expansion?

I think it would’ve been still a better expansion if Sylvannas gaslighted a reluctant jailor into invading Azeroth. But then we wouldn’t had her redemption story.

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I am still not sure anyone besides blizzard wanted her redeemed, but I suppose some misguided sylvanas simps were advocating it


You can easily ID them by their dark ranger/sylvanas pfp on twitter. Likely to play a dark ranger in game too.


I’m gonna say it… I’m gonna say the N word!

