You lost a pet battle to above poster

Kind of like the duel thread, except your favorite pet lost a duel to the pet of the poster above.
Rush drops to his knees, lamenting the loss of his disgusting, bloated pet worm. “You be too pretty to die, Mr. Grubbs!” he yells over the corpse of the foul, putrid creature.

Nooooooooooooooooo!! Fire puppy!!! You were supposed to eat worm , not get eaten by worm like cake!!!

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Hmph. Weak.

Stomps on the remains of his pets, crushing them into paste.

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Finally, I can eat you.

gathering remains of his favourite cat

“Thats quite enough!”

She waves with her hand, shielding her little Panthera from further harm

"What kind of monster are you? Trying to kill my darling! Now get out with your little fiend, before I summon something to come for you, something with a name not even you could pronounce! "


“Ehh. One strangely cute, but still should-be-dead baby dreadstalker less, I suppose. Can’t say I mind.”

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