You made me hate playing shadow priest

I am no longer happy playing shadow priest… again.

I fell in love with shadow during Legion - I always loved cosmic horror, so the new void/old god lore around shadow priest was intriguing, audiovisuals were awesome (levitating and hearing maddening whispers during voidform, being surrounded by tentacles), gameplay was really comfortable and enjoyable and I always prefered DoT classes.

I started raiding with shadow priest during BDA and was having a blast. Every raid, every farm, always fun, always happy.

And then Shadowlands came. My voidform (and her audiovisuals) was severly reduced, gameplay was significantly changed from quite uniqe to basic builder->spender, best build was pet build, DoTs stopped doing damage (for all intents and purposes - Devouring Plagues could be direct damage and nothing would change, I don’t consider it a true DoT) and… I stopped enjoying in. Everything except lore was gone, and so was my enjoneyment and with it my happines. Rest of Shadowlands was miserable experience, I changed main every season and although raids and most of dungeons were good, I didnt feel the same love and happines as I did in Battle for Azeroth.

And then came Dragonflight. I was careful, I intentionaly didn’t pick shadow priest for season 1 as my main, because I was burned before in Shadowlands, but I kept my eye on in, and after the rework started gearing it for main in season 2.

And… I was happy. Was is the same awesome experience as in Battle for Azeroth? No, not even close. But it was good enough to make me adequately happy. Dungeons were good, raid was good, I was enjoying it. And then came first nerf. And second. And third and fourth. And it changed best build from enjoyable void form build to horrid dark ascension pet build, which made me hate the gameplay in Shadowlands.

So because of “tuning” for god comp in mythic (which I suppose doesnt inclumde brutal majority of playerbase) you ruined my enjoyment of raiding. I dont mind being on the lower parts od damage meter, it happens, but I DO mind being that low and playing build that I dont enjoy.

I know you hate DoT classes for some reason, and I know you wont return the old voiform because it was pain to balance. But please, PLEASE, do ANOTHER rework of shadow priest, remove power infusion, give us normal AoE which you wont have to nerf x-times during ONE SEASON and at least give us glyph for audiovisual change from shadow to void form.

I wanna enjoy playing the game again.

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Did they change anything significantly? Aside from 5-10% less damage?

I enjoy to play shadow priest every day, nobody can stop me! :joy:

Just remove Pi make shadow viable not a laughing stock.
Make Mindbender and Mind blast viable and Shadow word death atcually deal damage.

Make Mind blast spread VT on to targets and make DA and VF Instant cast.

also make last talent row give mind bender as permanent pet.

remove shadow crash i hate that ability too.

they dont remove Pi or mass dispell. GG lets nerf shadow. Meanwhile evoker aug buffs mage to deal 1 mil dps same with DK and warlock. remove Pi nerf aug evoker.

aug evoker destroys the game encounters makes them 30 sec.

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