You seriously need to add more aggressive catchup

That 470 cloak would do the trick just fine I guess
Heck, Magni do the fight instead of you
Or just skip everything if you done it on your main - oh and to have that cloak, 2 N’zoth invasion one minor one mayor that opens up the WB; the mayor I think - okay not sure in that one - guaranteed item drop
WB is a maybe - but a rollable maybe! (1 or 2 ittem with luck, but even with azerite , rises your HoA)
And you don’t even have to do the fight… just collect boxes for 5% or do events for much larger %
Or gather a team, custom group “Low Ilvl Char looking for like minded people or some help” and voila, 5 man team
Thats some gear, a nice cloak and tons of azerite to skyrocket your HoA to even higher I lvl… high enough for a Heroic WF
Or just spam some BGs for that 440 Conquest weapon reward of your choice… (with an additional blue Pvp drop)
But opens the 425-445 Emissary reward and such…
But you know, that require work… stupid system, not support the lazy snowflakes


There is nothing to change you can be 385+ even if few hours after getting to 120.
And while playing the story your neck and cloak will boost ilvl even more while in the same time you can make your way up with M0, LFR and other sources of loot.

The cloak is a very good route to go for a new character and you are guaranteed a 420+ bracer void ritual corruption.

Plus you will unlock visions which guarantee another 420 if you can kill the first boss, you get plenty of vessels to try upfront so very possible, if you struggle alone use premade tool or ask a friend.


As pvpvendor said;

So they obviously do agree it needs change.

All I hear is excuses. The dk i have on my account doesnt have crucible or cloak and is ilvl 400 without even doing anything on it.

Oh yeah, and there is some azerite gear reward from Ra-den if I recall correctly too!
And some stuff from wrathion, totally forgot that


nope but they do care about even the laziest and most oblivious players as well
daddy Ion wont give up on your sub moneyz
Hold on there, Ayleena
focus on your Nazjatar and heart of azeroth plus Black empire cloak for now

I think you don’t know what lazy means. I’ve spent 9 hours on my new alt, that’s resulted in ilvl 340. I’ve spent 7 hours on my dh, that resulted in 400+ ilvl. For less effort, far less effort.

Lol, have you played WoW before? Seriously, ask each player here to post the game time age of their mains. And you’re complaining about chars a few hours old.

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i think you see so low ilvl gear cause you havent done Magni`s rep heart unlock (8.1) to max or Nazj campaign (8.2)

P.S. if you are horde and have gold i can boost you for m0 or heroic dungeons :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes. Gearing has never been this painful for a new char that’s not a tank or healer.

But gearing isn’t painful on alts.

You know what, never mind. I’m not getting involved.

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But it is. It’s too slow if you can’t tank or heal.

How they can agree to something which no one told them to change in first place?
Look at the forum no one is complaining that gearing up is to slow XD

They simply redesign catchup mechanics and there is nothing to speed up becasue we can get to 400 in one day.

You spent like what… 2 hours here now and just complain and find an excuse for everything. At the start I thought there were many suggestions and thought u’d take some on board, but no, one excuse after another… and what? Queuing as tank or healer is quicker? Since when do you play Warcraft? Been like this since the start of the game… and trust me, gearing up and alt now is A LOT faster than it used to be.

Best we could do… let this thread die
After ~200 helpfull post/Troll feeding we got nowehere
Let her/him make a bigger fool out him/herself with this childish tantrum “But I deserveeeees it and its haaaaard”
God its disgusting :nauseated_face:

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No, it isn’t. You could queue heroics the instant you hit max lvl in WoD, as an example. Can I do that now even with ilvl similar to what people got from normal mythics in season 1? Nope. Too low ilvl.

Heroic dungeons require ilevel 365. If you can’t be bothered to get to that at least or think there is no way to ever make it than please don’t try and play something else.

That’s too high. It should have stayed at what it was at launch. Because you don’t get higher ilvl from normal dungeons while lvling. You could queue heroics the instant you hit 120 back at launch from the gear you got while lvling.

Normal dungeons drop ilevel 400 and they don’t require any specific ilevel. Honestly, you are either just trolling everyone here or the laziest player I’ve ever met. Queuing takes time, do something useful while you wait, game has plenty of options.
Won’t comment further since I don’t see the point at this stage.