You should change how ilvl can be shown

Bring back?

Then it will only making things worse for the ones who already complain :upside_down_face:

Don’t see how you came to that conclusion.

People fed up with super picky raider io fanbois and “must have curve, link curve, mwa hahahah”.

Will happily sign up to a auto queue for a +10 or a Normal / Heroic. Atm best they can do is try to get into various groups with constant decline decline decline.

Or use LFR which is laughable due to how easy mode it is.

My mage would be happy to get into higher keys, but I currently have to constantly sign up for keys I know are not going to give me gear upgrades and literally just a waste of my time to up a artificial score that various muppets seem to think means something.

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If you are not forced to use it, then it will simply split the community. No problem, if it would split it equally, but…

I have a feeling that quite a few will not be happy to be placed in a random group, esp not in the “higher brackets”. So they will probably continue forming their own groups. So gl doing higher keys in this system. Their gear may be equal, but the whole reason rio exists is because gear does not say anything anymore.

technically … if it was que solely for mythic +10 - with clear objective for everybody just to get cache not progressing keys i think it would be immensly popular.

ofc there would have to be a decent barrier of entry - for example proving grounds gold , all reps on revered (like BC HCs) etc to ensure people who get there are not random joes.

add to this that each week it would be 1 diffferent dungeon

and people who dont have guilds would get nice clear goal each week .

sadly because it would be fun it will never happen

At least back then you actually had to do dungeons to get rep in a decent way, it is the opposite now. That would not help a single bit.

One thing I do not get, why do you need a system for this? “+10-15 weekly / no leavers / chill” is not uncommon in the LFG tool, they usually do not put up any requirement.

Isn’t that your fun run already? Just to get the weekly cache?

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