You think you do but you dont

So op is whining about other people whining.

What is the point of this thread?

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OP is making a good point - OP is suggesting - rightly - that the forum has become infested with a small minority of whiners who want WotLK Classic to be WotLK Retail and usually punctuate every response by attacking dissenter, providing nonsense statistics and trolling folk.

It’s a good point well made in a well constructed thread.

I have gone the other way and just unremorsefuly extract urine from them at every opportunity in the hope I can embarrass them enough to just stop posting.

they know who they are

Or rather for WotLK Classic to be WotLK as we remembered it. Not WotLK reforged that attempts playing into fixing the past

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You mean the WotLK that had RDF before ICC and PvP servers that were in fact PvP and not Mono-Faction.

Would that be the WotLK that had an average server population of about 8K

The WotLK that people played quite happily without Min/Maxing

Yes - we all know who the Trolls are who have no point to make BUT shout their no Point loudly as an argument from authority

Do your parents/ care providers really let you stay up this late when you have had your medications?

No we’d gladly wait for RDF if the game were to follow patch progression or if it was said to be released at later date. It’s neither of those however.

Can’t take the blame for your mistakes though kind sir. I wasn’t there when you -true classic players went on turning all PvP servers monofaction and threw it into min-maxers lair.

And ultimately it does seem you’re still unable to formulate an argument without personally attacking the other side despite writing from another toon. Shame.

I’m just levelling Herbert at the moment - one of HP Lovecraft’s most famous Characters - you should get your carers to teach you to read - then you could enjoy the book.

If the game followed patch progression you’d get RDF late 2023

True Classic Players didn’t make PvP servers Mono-Faction - they rolled PvE

I enjoy trolling the trolls - not nice having the tables turned on you I guess - keep going - you’ll be in for a long night of ridicule

You’re doing poor job at this really.


no - you forgot to paraphrase every sentence and post nonsense statistics to support your statement

You are clearly rattled and playing for time whilst you search for some ubiquitous quote to come back at me with

The reality is you have nothing to say other than “I want retail classic” and no way of phrasing it once you have been outed as a forum troll

Just don’t bother, Kiryaa. Herbertwest//Hplovecraft changes account every now and then to spew toxic nonsense. Super obvious it’s the same person but I guess it’s less intimidating typing here compared to actually talking to a therapist. I cheer for you but know you won’t get anywhere as he’ll keep on grinding out the same dumb “arguments” until you grow tired and he takes it as a win. Even though he’s made no sense for the past three hours in any given argumentation

Can’t blame the guy for holding some hope in humanity. Eh No big loss


How little you know the complex and knowledgeable mind of Hp

The problem you have is that almost evert thread posted turns towards how much better WoW Classic would be with RDF and instant character boosts.

And the players posting that nonsense do not want to play Classic - they want to play Classic Endgame without investing any effort.

But Classic was all about investing effort.

I’m assuming you are an alt - but if you are posting in support of the fool - it’s thin - really thin - you should try much harder to come up with some sort of original argument

Which fool are we talking about?
I was just warning him about the dangers of actually replying to you. It seems I’ve gone against my own advice, and with that I bid you adieu.

Oh it is you. That explains a lot.

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oh no - I crashed into a forum member who is not only disagreeing with me - but also arguing back and demonstrating what a fool I am - quick sidestep - try to save face - wave goodbye

There it is - the Druid - ready for combat on her keyboard - fierce and proud in her bewilderment - bring it on - lets see what nonsense you have for the forum this evening

He was right, but he was wrong.
He was right about what he was saying, he just thought no one would be interested in WoW Classic, like it’s with SoM right now. But he forgot about power of nostalgia and people wanting to steamroll the content once again and brag about it with 99-100 WCL parses. JAB didn’t think that WoW Classic would be any profitable or impactful in some way.

As always Lorraen speaks true words in a very eloquent and touching manner. Even though what you said makes me sad, the way you described it so colorfully made me smile a bit aswell

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I thought I did, and I do. Your topic is inaccurate.
Maybe for OP it was true as he seems to be posting on a retail character, but for me, totally false.

You listen to the ceo who was game director for the failure called Starwars Galaxies, the so called “wow killer”. Says alot what type of players blizzard started to cater to.

Lol @anyone who would take those clowns at blizz even remotely seriously