You were too heavy handed at fixing WM

The faction imbalance originally led to a dominance of horde players, resulting in huge gank groups making playing WM as Alliance pointless. Snowball effect as more and more alliance turn WM off.

We then have an attempt to balance factions in WM, by increasing Alliance rewards for participation to 30%, which I think was an excellent step in the right direction however.

Now, the problem is with the quest that rewards gear for killing 25 horde. Forget anything about Alliance getting an advantage in PvE or whatever. The problem here is that you essentially reintroduced the problem that made people opt out of WM. Encouraging huge mongo gank groups with no counterplay that stun lock people to death. There is no reward or incentive to organise groups to fight back for horde, so I like others, have opted out of WM. Which is a shame, as I love world pvp, when it isn’t massive gank groups running around.

However, I won’t go as far as to say remove the kill 25 horde quest, but instead, how about rework it to punish you for fighting in huge groups?

Say, rather than killing 25 horde, you have to get 1,000 of an item, for explanations sake, let’s call it Broken Bones, like WoD. Now, broken bones will be spread amongst participating players, or even reduced.

Say, if you kill a horde without any other allies involved in the fight, you get 40-50 broken bones, so we are talking 20-25 kills still. Two people in a fight would be about 15-20 per person, three, 8-10.

No reward for fighting with more than 5 people.

Rather than equally distributing them from a pool, the pool gets smaller with groups of 3-5. This would stop these sort of groups farming a zone for a long time.

So what we get, is more allies opting in for WM, horde opting in because they aren’t getting ganged by huge raids, and the original problem would be somewhat fixed.

tldr, disincentivise people from doing the 25 kill horde quest in enormous groups.


There is a problem working around groups. Namely, even now, you can be in a group of 5 men, but then have several groups like that around you, and still earn kill credit. (Since technically, you’re not in a raid). So, the bones would probably end up working same way. Actually, it might make Alliance gankfiesta last even longer due to higher requirements for the quest.

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The way around it wouldn’t necessarily be based on group credit, but the amount of participants in fight.

A group of 3 and group of 4 would get treated exactly the same as a raid of 7.

I mean, I could list a load of animals that hunt on their own, but I really can’t be bothered. It’s besides the point. We just need to look at what causes people to deactivate war mode, and prevent zerg groups being rewarded. If someone wants to make a 20 man raid, good on them, but they won’t get rewarded from it, so it occurs less often, making less people opt out of WM.


Cringed down to my bone marrow.

Stop doing blizzards job for them​:grinning::grinning:

Sounds good though.

Packs! PACKS! They hunt in PACKS. The first gnome with its height and IQ in direct correlation. Imbecile.


Bwhahahahahahaha. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. SOMEONE, ANYONE…please cast arcane intellect on this poor guy.:joy:


I don’t know what they can do, tbh

With no incentives Alliance didn’t turn it on

Now they get much better xp and nice gear so Horde are going to turn it off in protest

If enough horde turn off wm, you gonna get the quest. Then alli will be complaining again. Let’s see hehe.

The 400 gear item could tip wm balance to more alli. And if not, maybe they will add even more incentive. Then once alli outnumber horde, horde get the extra. I’m guessing blizz would prefer both factions to get a shot at it.

Will it happen? It’s possible. If enough turn off, and more turn on to alli. Could do, we’ll see. You might think nah… but if blizz keep adding more incentives until the effect they want happens…

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Just make 1 week cooldown on turning on/off warmode.


Because Horde wants free stuff 24/7 and easy game. First they complained about not seeing enough Ally in warmode = bad. 30% bonus hits and plenty of Alliance turns in on - Horde players cry and turn it off.


So you wanted to PvP but when extra +10% is not so easily granted anymore you won’t do it? You guys are delusional, pls unistall. o7

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Ok. Here we go…again. The Horde doesn’t want free stuff. The horde didn’t complain about wf being empty, that was you. The forums was a salty flood of allaince tears, because horde dominated wm.

You complained about not benefiting from the 10% buff. Blizzard gave you 30% and a weekly quest that rewards high ilvl gear. Horde, mostly, still didn’t mind.

All this however wasn’t enough. Wm was still void of alliance. THEN blizzard bumped the weekly quest reward up to ilvl 400. Only after the promise of a free ilvl 400 welfare shiney did you muster the courage to turn on wm.

Horde doesn’t care about your 30% pitty buff. It’s about the ilvl 400 gear you get from camping flightpoints. This is in no way fair.

In short don’t call people out on wanting free stuff if you are the faction that needed to be baited by FREE STUFF to turn warmode on.

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Oh how wrong you are. Last night on Argent dawn we made a revenge raid.

Cleared the faction hub in zandalar and all the zones. Then we took the fight to drustvar. The allies put up a decent fight at Aroms strand, not good enough though.

For 2 hrs every thing that moved was obliterated in Drustvar. I even got my alliance slayer title. I love the increase in alliance activity in wm, but best off all, horde did this without any incentive other than just to kill allaince. Wpvp at it’s finest.



Oh my, how sad I am to miss that. It was barely anything going on in the last few days - only Zuldazar slaughter and 1 5v5 gank jump. Drustvar general chat was rarely with massages “there is one horde at …” and 5-10 Alliance flew from all directions to meet this rare beast.

I hope it was a temporary Horde drought, and you’re going to start doing that regularly again.



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