The faction imbalance originally led to a dominance of horde players, resulting in huge gank groups making playing WM as Alliance pointless. Snowball effect as more and more alliance turn WM off.
We then have an attempt to balance factions in WM, by increasing Alliance rewards for participation to 30%, which I think was an excellent step in the right direction however.
Now, the problem is with the quest that rewards gear for killing 25 horde. Forget anything about Alliance getting an advantage in PvE or whatever. The problem here is that you essentially reintroduced the problem that made people opt out of WM. Encouraging huge mongo gank groups with no counterplay that stun lock people to death. There is no reward or incentive to organise groups to fight back for horde, so I like others, have opted out of WM. Which is a shame, as I love world pvp, when it isn’t massive gank groups running around.
However, I won’t go as far as to say remove the kill 25 horde quest, but instead, how about rework it to punish you for fighting in huge groups?
Say, rather than killing 25 horde, you have to get 1,000 of an item, for explanations sake, let’s call it Broken Bones, like WoD. Now, broken bones will be spread amongst participating players, or even reduced.
Say, if you kill a horde without any other allies involved in the fight, you get 40-50 broken bones, so we are talking 20-25 kills still. Two people in a fight would be about 15-20 per person, three, 8-10.
No reward for fighting with more than 5 people.
Rather than equally distributing them from a pool, the pool gets smaller with groups of 3-5. This would stop these sort of groups farming a zone for a long time.
So what we get, is more allies opting in for WM, horde opting in because they aren’t getting ganged by huge raids, and the original problem would be somewhat fixed.
tldr, disincentivise people from doing the 25 kill horde quest in enormous groups.