You will regret covenants

DH1 doesn’t have infinite stars but plays near perfectly on a boss, DH2 is stacked up on infinite stars but somehow doesn’t know how to play DH. DH2 doubles DH1’s DPS anyway. Should DH1 have just played better?

Ib4 “But that wont happen again because now we have layers upon layer of systems that stack on top of each other”.

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Nope. But then again hasn’t that been fixed.

Nope. But then again can’t that be fixed?

Because the game changes and it can’t accommodate every persons idea of fun. Some people find it quite fun right now to have constant 100% crit chance as fire mage or to fire near instant chaos bolts. Should that also stay because it’s part of peoples fun?

So what that if a spec is too powerful you can nerf them through the red conduits.

Also output is not everything mate. It’s not like dds are putting avoidance on their gear to be able to survive mechanics in high keys right now right?

And this is the problem. What do you think the difference between someone 100% optimized and someone that doesn’t will be? My guess would be easily around 40-50%. How can you balance a raid to be doable by people with vastly different dmg numbers? How can you design a raid boss to predict the one broken build out of 1000 that will destroy every mechanic?

First off there is no such thing as doesn’t know how to play DH. Secondly, it would depend on the boss and what corruption dh1 has. You can out dmg an IS DH if you are playing well and have your character set up correctly.

Besides the point that IS is still not really that good on any fight that matters.

I mean…
That is the way whiners play the game.
They whine in the forums about it, they dont play then we get to suffer the consequences of their silly whining ingame.

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No one has been talking about spec being to powerful… just the fact that you want to increase your output via red conduits and not take useless utility/defense in nearly every situation.

Yeah you are absolutely right comparing 20% less aoe damage for nearly 0 corruption vs. 1 of 4 relic slots… :wink:
Maybe try to remember legion relics where you always took output traits, it’s a much better comparison.

Nope because good corruptions vastly outperform bad ones. Yes there is the vendor and you can just buy the good ones, but the power difference is still there and it is still noticable.

No not really because every this system connot be blanced. To balance the system for one class alone it would be easier to homoginize the specs than to try and fix the abilities.

Are you purposefully missing the point ? 100% stat builds were not intended and an incident due to blizzard not balancing corruptions. Now that they will fail to balance covenants what clown show do you expect to happen ?

Also completly avoidable if we didnt have borrowed power systems.

First off you’d be surprised.

Secondly, that was an example. Of course IS won’t work better on AoE over TD.

Just replace it with any scenario of your chosing where one player has a siginificant advantage over another of the same spec by something out of their control. And before you say “but you control your choice”, yes, but you don’t control how well that choice will perform on a fight over another.

That is doesn’t currently matter is completely irelevant. Other corruption very much mattered. Look at echoing void in early 8.3.

Well if you really want to go with DH vs DH, I’d really like to see DH who stacks 10 IS on the boss in the first 25 seconds being beaten by a DH with no infinite stars.

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Except that was what I was talking about and what you respond with red conduits about…

So let me be clear. Red conduits strong. Kyrian furry warrior strong. Red furry warrior conduits nerfed. Kyrian furry warrior not that strong anymore. Soulbinds are there to be tuning knobs for the classes. Capiche??

Moving the goal post? You mentioned IS/TD. Nobody is running those anymore besides TD on tanks and some meele dds. Stat corruptions being so much better in most content.

Except once again conduits which are literally there to balance such a thing.

Yet it is fun for people. Why does Blizard have to cater to what you find fun but it’s fine that they don’t for others?

Easy if that DH is significantly better than the other one and has let’s say Ineffable Truth, 2x Lash of the void and some versa corruption. As a matter of fact since he is so good he is running at 79 corruption because he can play around that. He can keep a far higher active time than the other one and since he is close to constantly in Meta and getting versa pumped Annihilates over and over into the boss.

Of course rng can be the ultimate defining factor. But 99% of the time if you are better than another player you will do more dps.

I guess you don’t get the fact that you nerfed every fury warrior not just kyrian this way, because other colored gems don’t increase your output at all and it’s always just 2 outputtraits/soulbind.
=> still same situation just overall less damage

Except that from the few conduits that we have seen we know that some are limited to kyrians and some limited to furry. So you create a conduit limited to kyrian furry warriors and… Profit!

Not really IS and TD were examples for corruptions. Goal post is still there that people can outperform you due to corruption effect and not skill.

Iv’e actually tried archeage for some time, yea, the sub classes system did not really work as well as someone alluded.

Only a couple of options were viable. That was the reality, and that;s the reality of covenants, only that at least in archeage you could freely swap between them, but here guess what, you cannot, so i find it funny honestly.

He thinks he is right, because ion mentioned subclassed, which i frankly did not hear, provides a comparison, and is completely effin wrong, also devs aren’t this infallible beacon of knowledge that knows everything. I would not really consider covenants as subclasses. Modifications, but not subclasses, a sub class would be more like actually the specs we have ijn the game, warrior is the class, arms is the subclass, or specialization.

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The limited ones are simply amplifying covenant abilities but yeah you could for sure create OP-conduits (which need to be farmed on specific Ilvl) or you could simply balance the base class and give access to every covenant and soulbind, which renders continous tweaks on abilities not necessary, because we all know that Blizzard got a really bad record regarding balance. :wink:

I can’t think of a way to tell you how utterly wrong you are anymore.

Tbh i am not surprised at all.

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Ofc not, but that was the last of the problems from archeage, it was just an overall bad game.

For the time i stayed there i understood that the whole point of the game was to get more gear so you could one shot other people faster, that was basically the point of the game, no real end game, only ganking.

Except it renders continous tweaks far more necessary ^^

Seriously IS is not some magic thing. It gives you only 45 dps/corr more than Ineffable Truth on single target while being way more unreliable.

It’s also just straight up bad on any fights with any adds. Which is the vast majority of fights.

Even getting over 40 corruption makes your IS worse as you are now spawning an extra add to eat your stacks.

Ok so if there is no endgame, then whats the point of blancing cla… subclasses. You see this is why i hate people bringing in other games into a WoW discusion. What works in Guild wars 2 will not work in WoW and vice versa.

But it doesn’t work that’s the point, this sub class system did not work that well in the game he brought up, things from other games can work just well, but it has to work in the other game also, unless it’s just completely different.

For example, a system similar to m+ would work just fine in a game like eso.

We’re talking pure single target, yes it is. Going through my own DH logs, it’s anywhere from 25-40% of my dps. IT will not give you this on ST, and lash will be 10% if you’re lucky. Unless you get extremely unlucky with procs, infinite stars will beat everything else. IT, versatile, expedient and other corruption will only be there to fill to reach your corruption limit where another rank of IS would either not be worht it or push you over the limit.

I’ve NEVER managed to get IS to proc on a thing from beyond and I’ve never heard of anyone who has. And not for lack of opportunity or experience. If it does happen, it’s so rare that it’s negligible. And if you’re playing infinite stars on a DH under 40 corruption you might as well use no corruption at all.