No it doesn’t, because it doesn’t matter if soulbinds/covenants are balanced as long as you can take whatever is best and you can balance regarding class output.
I have.
Yes it is. But like I said before you would be building you character for what? The first few Mythic bosses?
In all of the difficult fights of 8.3 you will not want to have IS on you though. Meaning in all dungeons, pvp or the 6 actually difficult bosses in Nya’lotha.
Fair given that if you are running stars you are doing a fight that’s easy to get away with it
I in general always run my characters at 39 maximum. Even if I can deal with it as a mage I just don’t wanna bother.
Edit: Btw I still do not believe that a good player will have half the dmg of a bad one running IS even in single target.
Have you watched Preches video where he lets his wife play his druid ? She outdps-ed everyone due to IS.
Interesting but irrelevant.
Yes and in Shadowlansd it will be like having only infinite stars and nothing else for everything you do.
This completely irrelevant to the topic. It’s the principle, not the specifics of 8.3. You don’t have to educate me on this, I’ve done all of it.
You don’t have to believe it. The difference can be 100%, 50%, 20%… doesn’t matter. The point is don’t lock player power behind luck, or a choice that will make even two equally skilled players perform differently in different scenarios on the exact same spec. Infinite stars and Twilight devastation are just two extreme examples of how out of hand these things can get very easily.
Please Blizz separate covenant abilites from story, cosmetic etc. and let us swap them freely
Literally 2 hours after masterful rank 3 hit the vendor for the first time I signed up for a ToS 15 on my mage. Here is how it went down:
Group leader: got masterful?
Me: just bought 4
Group leader: pog
got invited to the group
You really think they won’t have an effect?
No you wont. Becouse corruption are acessible to all and you can swap them as you want so people can demand it.
And hey maybe you and Popgligor can group up and not time a +11. So anyway have you google “Awakened” yet ?
So are covenants. Blizz have said that you’ll be able to swap them. And have you done the math on swapping all of your corruptions? I’m gonna make a wild guess and say that it will be just as big of a time waster doing repetitive, boring content.
Yes you can but it migh also take you week to respec you dont have to wait week to repsec corrutpions or talents you just click button whenever you want. And becouse of fact you cant swap them at will people wont demand it.
The Seasonal Affix for Battle for Azeroth Season 4 of Mythic+ is Awakened . This affix will place 4 Black Empire obelisks in the dungeon and can be used by players to cross into N’zoth’s realm. While in the N’zoth realm, players will have to deal with a Lieutenant, but are completely phased from reality allowing you to skip mobs without a rogue!
Next week we will go over normal affixes and how to deal with them.
Ok, you clearly haven’t. I’ll do it for you:
Current corruption on my mage - 160 (8 x masterful 3)
For the purpose of this theoretical exercise I’ll ignore the gear grind that would also play quite a large part in your decision if you want to swap in the first place.
So 8 x 5k = 40k echoes.
Per week with just doing a full content sweep you get:
1000 from pvp cache, 1600 rating
1500 from M+15 cache(100 per highest key level completed in previous week)
1750 from 7 daily emissaries (250 each)
1375 from all 3 assaults (625 major, 375 each minor)
1500 from 2 Horrific Vision full clears (reasonable amount if you’re still looking for gear upgrades)
1200 from heroic Nya clear (100 each boss)
That totals out at 8325.
Now if I want to swap mastery for versatility because I’m bad at PvP and feel like this would give me an edge it would take me 5 weeks to get 8 x Versatile 3. With 1625 left over. So far we’re at switching a covenant which Blizzard have said will be fairly easy. Now I’ve decided F PvP, I wanna deal 300k+ burst in raids. Well, I need to switch back to Masterful. 5 more weeks. Literally 2 and a half months (assuming you get the vendor rotations when you need them) of boring, same old GRIND! If you do burnout level visions you get +7 x 750 = 5250 every 2 weeks from that (5.8 per week) so you’ll lower your total to 2 months.
How can you swap again? Or do you intend to get all those items just x2 so you can have one masterful and one versatile set?
Please put SOME thought in your following post. I’d hate to have spent time looking up exact numbers for nothing
Its still buy click done. Covenants are far bigger investment.
No, you potato, they gave us back the old talent trees in our weapon slot with a few tweeks and most people loved it. Also it was only a choice as long as you were progressing. By the end you had all the traits unlocked (like you would on a max level character back in the day) and it felt good because that is what the classes had taken away from them in the first place (hence making the class itself feel incomplete and by extension - BAD).
Just because you don’t doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.
Sign up with a rogue for a tol’dagor appropriate for your gear, please.
Yes, we have. That choice however is “Have you decided to join a guild yet?”, not “What class + spec did you pick?”
Up to a point. If your skill as a player and your familiarity with the class can get you above average results - sure, you don’t. If you’ve had to make the choice to want to vomit every time you look at your character due to the choices you’ve had to make to compensate for the power gap - you’re better off rerolling to FOTM. Actively dragging your team down isn’t fun. Neither is having to spend your time for the next 2 years in a zone you’d rather burn to the ground after spending 2 weeks there. This isn’t a choice players should have to make. Its literally the in-game equivalent of hating your job but having to stay there because it pays well and you have to feed your kids. Why do we need this again?
And I was full of hope
Pummel just disappears from your action bars as soon as you switch away from prot, doesn’t it? The only reason you would not react to enemies is if you either outgear or outlvl them. Or your healer does and tells you he’ll hold you so you can just stay there and pump more damage.
Here is an idea - if you’re not challenged by the content - try doing harder content. Eventually you’ll hit the point when not reacting to enemies will result in staring at a grey “release spirit” button most of the time and maybe you’ll decide to play the game instead of seeing how much of it you can skip.
How naive. People have been demanding specific corruptions months before the idea of a corruption vendor was even a thing.
I agree with you to a extent.
I mean in all honesty I can’t really see this system affecting your player doing +15s a week really, alot of the choices just will be outright bad because they aren’t aoe nature which would really cut the potiental for one to suddenly be better then the other. So you can guarantee a DPS increase.
The problems will occur for players who want to play multiple speccs. Take shaman for a example… where it’s desired convenant ability is different for every specc… and those who want to participate in more then one aspect of the game competitively
Meaningful choice is not meaningful if there is one, single cookie-cutter option that is infinitely better than the rest.
If you do Mythic+, raids, high Torghast progression and/or play an immobile class, you’re choosing Venthyr and its Door of Shadows. Not choosing a 35 yard teleport every 1.5 mins to skip mechanics, to skip trash mobs, to have mobility that you lack… Would be trolling. Especially yourself.
Obviously the classes that have abilities or passives that synergize well with Venthyr will dwarf the classes that don’t, but nonetheless chose Venthyr because they had to. To be competitive.
As it stands right now, if you’re not a Night Elf or any class that can drop aggro. Forget it. I would be shocked if it isn’t nerfed but that is what we’re signing up for.
try doing any of the difficult fights in nyalotha whitout a single person min/maxing or following a single class guide, see how that goes.