Sure, if a person who earns his livings from drama says this will ruin WoW, we should 100% agree on it.
Was expecting such a reply, some of you cannot see beyond your hate for streamers etc to actually listen to them. Preach has played 100’s of hours of the alpha I’ll take his views over people on here (positive or negative) . I hope he is wrong (he hopes he is wrong) but the opinion from pretty much every alpha player (and there are not enough) is this is bad as it stands.
You need to decouple streamer from WoW player, many of these people you all seem to hate have played over 15 years and are very active players often at the highest levels of the game.
And the whole ‘drama’ thing is a nonsense, constructive feedback is not ‘drama’ it is what an alpha is for
I’m just saying that a video where “Everything is great” won’t bring as much views as a drama one. Also with this “community” anyone who praises WoW will see lots of negative opinions. Just look at the hater comments on WoWHead or Reddit.
If you are not competing for world ranks, even if there are 20% damage difference between Covenants it won’t matter.
I haven’t watched the video (no time at present) but am curious as to the reasoning why they expect it will be worst for casual players? Is it because making non-optimal choices will prevent casual players from progressing, thereby creating a larger divide between casuals and hardcore players? Or is there another reason? I consider myself a casual based on the level of content that I do, and I don’t expect to the negatively impacted by choosing whichever covenant I like the look of. I haven’t been following everything from the Alpha, so could of course be missing something that’s glaringly obvious!
If you would look a second to preaches uploades there are a ton of positive titles (“Not Perfect, But Very Close! - Enhancement Shaman : Shadowlands” for example). And the last one is totally neutral “Blizzards Big Shadowlands Update This Week”. Preach is not know for clickbait and negativity. He DOES give his oppinion and you can agree with it or not. But he is doing his research.
Are you sure about that ?
Didn’t watch the allcraft but i checked his video about the subject released after the allcraft one, and he instead sait that casuals were usually against the complains about covenants because it didn’t mattered to them.
Which is kinda true, if you don’t raid above normal or do similar difficulty of content then your covenant won’t matter even if they are terribly unbalanced. So casuals would be fine anyway, even if the content is balanced around the most op builds
how so?
if the game is “beatable” with every choice it’s not important, it’s just restrictive and discourages experimentation/participating in different types of content.
if it’s not then it’s not really a choice anymore, because unless you don’t want to win you’ll have to choose a specific one.
This looks like another borrowed power system that’s way too convoluted and messy to just judge by your own and pick it.
Too many components.
-The Coventant itself
-Legendaries associated with this
It’s another nightmare to balance and another expansion REQUIRING you to perform dozens of sims, as you just can’t simply tell what is better.
But WOW entered a vicious neverending cycle of those power systems starting from Legion. Legion was so heavy on them, your character had so many things that came out of external systems that once BFA came out and took it all away, the classes felt bland and barely even playable.
What was wrong with the system up to MOP/WOD, where all your skills and abilities were on the character itself, and external systems just boosted stats? Such as enchants, 20 gem slots, profession perks, tier sets etc?
It’s the same above world rank 500. You will outgear every boss even on Mythic + boss nerfs will outweight covenants.
it should be, at least mechanic wise, you can’t have something working only if you have the teleport from venthyr
Which is a concrete scenario, especially in the more competitive groups.
i mean, in the current state word is the night fae is a 15% dps buff, can you really pass on that?
And this drops down to the lower levels where people will try to stack as much of those as possibile because it’s too big of a bonus to pass, so even casuals will be affected.
I think it is good that there is impactful difference between the picks. If all are same good/bad, then there is no meaningful choice, because what ever you pick is going to be same good or bad. What made old WoW good is that not everything was same good in every aspect of the game- Hunters were good at WPVP, Hpally were good for healing.
Personally I think the pick will not matter if you are not attending in World First Race or MDI. Also right now it is kinda pointless to speculate around thing that we can’t even test. Get access to test version, test it out and see if that is the case and then provide results.
I don’t agree, I’m a Heroic pugger, do a +12 most weeks and farm mounts. I will pick the best for DPS because I want to be the best I can be and I owe it to others to do so.
Also you think RaiderIO is bad, you’ve seen nothing.
Some early looks at possible combinations suggest a 30-40% increase in basic choices as it stands. That is wrong and would you want to be ‘that bad’ because of the choices you made?
Choice is good I agree but it needs to be more balanced, yes there will be a best but that ‘best’ must be 1-2% not 30%+.
Preach (sorry again) was talking about Paladin setup (cannot remember which covenant ) that gives a 15% buff to the whole group, with 8 Paladin’s in a Mythic Raid group you could have Perma 15% buff. If that is ok,. well …
NIght fae with the 4 seasons. It is a very interesting class ability. Not sure it is indeed going to break raiding when you can buff so much.
these comments never fail to make me LOL because the same thing happens every expansion. you dont need clairvoyance you just need common sense and the ability to read simple patterns.
Explain how the casual will suffer from this the most.
Your everyday casual wont enter any high end content, at most he/she will reach normal raids and m +10, where min-maxing hardly required at all.
I’d begin by saying 40-50% is extremely exaggerated I find it very unlikely one would be that massively ahead. Ur prolly looking under 5%.
Blizzard have never been that imbalanced in decision with something of this weight atleast.
There are a few classes which are struggling with how different convenient abilities are appealing to specific speccs… however overall it’s shown quite decently.
At the end of the day: problems don’t occur because 1 convenant is behind another, they occur if blizzard attempt rebalancing the convenants after players have chosen theirs.
Providing they don’t actively change them or buff/nerf them after they go live most players won’t have a problem realistically.
It’s very nice in term of lore and rpg, terrible in terms of gameplay.
In raid it’s going to be definetly gamebreaking in one way or the other.
It’s either going to be abused stacking palas, from 4 to 8 since it’s party only, or completely ignored because the amount of coordination needed is massive to use it at full.
I’m more worried about m+: mandatory nightfae pala because 15% buff on a big pull/boss is too good to pass? especially considering that ret numbers are not final, and so far, prot is looking incredibly good.
I suggest you listen to Preach he can tell you first hand.
My thoughts on this - you make the ‘wrong’ choice you will be 20%+ down dps, you will struggle to get groups, you look are scrolling down on the meter all the time and feel bad. To top this you don’t play as much so you cannot put the time in to re-roll. So you quit.
And some people don’t give a … about your precious ‘BiS’ nonsense.
So what makes your opinion more important? Exactly… Nothing.
It would be great if different minded people could both get what they want, but unfortunately games (or life in general) usually don’t work that way.
Hell has truly frozen over, I actually agree with you for the first time. My apologies if I came across as somewhat rude in my previous reply to you on another topic, I’m not usually like that. Have a nice day, fella
you will struggle to get groups
How xyz knows my dps is what, how do perform (if there is no logs). And this case im talking about your everday casuals, who probably wont check logs, or rio or whatever.
Certainly, there will be tryhard min-max groups, which says: “join only if xyz and xyz.”
Preach also said hunters will be sucks in this content, and voila, they are among the bests.
IF 20% dps difference will happen, then blizz should remove wow