You won't be able to transmog the Shadowlands legendary sets

From what’s on the beta, you won’t be able to transmog those sets:

Quite a shame if you ask me, was looking forward to transmogging them, I didn’t really see a point in making them look that good but then unable to be transmogged, especially since you can only wear 1 piece at a time.


Neither of these links say anything about that. Source?

And where exactly does it say: cant be transmogged?

I only did find a disclaimer the full set is in the gamefiles in multiple colors and lacks sources for multiple color variants.

And the set basically consists of all legendaries. And thats it.
No: cant be transmogged line anywhere in the article

Wait, so we won’t be able to transmog on top of the legendaries? Or do you mean the legendaries themselves wont be a transmog appearence option for regular gear?

You are unable to transmog them on the beta, and the beta is basically in release state now.

You can transmog them into something else, but you won’t be able to use the legendary appearances on different items.

If thats your “source” i dont see the point of linking said articles.
And even if beta is almost a release candidate still doesnt mean it wont be transmog options.

So i am not sure what you are even trying to get at with your post.

I linked the articles to show the sets I was refering to.

This is what we’ll be playing in 2 weeks, and there is no sign of those sets being able to be transmogged at all.

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But no “source” till we asked for it.
Not to mention the lack of information about said sets except for 1 color scheme of each armor type.

No information at all about anything.

Yeah, still not a big issue.
If they can “patch in” old school legendaries (thunderfury etc) to be transmogged, i am sure they can find the time to make these sets a transmog option in 2 weeks time or whenever they deem them to be transmog options.

Because i highly doubt that making an item an option to be transmogged requires a whole dev team and weeks of coding.

And once again: apart from the base set, we dont have any clue where the rest comes from or is used for.

And Torghast still seems to be void of any rewards other than legendary crafting materials and a mount.

So i dont see the point of this post.

Yea, but there are some people who don’t want to wait until after Shadowlands for them to become transmoggable options.

The upgraded versions of the base sets

Letting people know about this and getting blizz to fix it (in case it’s a bug)

And usually the internal build is a few builds ahead of the actual beta, this might already be fixed, while not being a priority to bring out on the beta ^^

And nowhere is there any information or source saying this will happen.
Thats speculation from you.

But there is no way to acquire them.
The base set is made from all legendaries per armor set.

The upgraded versions are in the game files but lack any information if they are cosmetic rewards, or maybe even their color depends on the rank of your legendary.

There is no information on all these other colors.

Well, the last thing on my “to-do” list if i was a game developer who delayed an expansion release in order to release a quality product would be simple things.

Like cosmetic rewards or possible transmogs.

Id rather see the focus on the classes / gameplay and story elements not working than some cosmetic rewards.

I dontr even like them XD

same was with the artifact weapons, therefore wait for next xpac if you want to to be moggable

This is it. they are getting slowly rid of transmogging fully!!! everyone hold your horses and run!!

…Then what was the point of even making them cohesive sets? That just killed my motivation for farming those up. Maybe I’ll just get 1-2 that you need to perform semi-well and call it at that point.


That sucks. Badly.

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