NPC’s dont count as pets… I’m looking at you Soul >.>
What else? The white one though. I named him Bobby.
My four giraffes and three hippos
Can it even be a question that you are my favorite pet?
Nobody ever said only animals can be pets, after all!
Anubis idol hands down! Non biased with my thigh tattoo
Natures ninja!
You should come live in South Africa xD
I am an NPC posting on the forums, and so are you and so is everyone alse, we are all Twiluna!
Mmm you dont say
Definitely the coolest god
The Argent Squire would like to have a word with you.
Poor Timmah
He’s living a lie.
My favourite is Dibbler, I’ve named him CMOT.
I’m a cat person, so definitely Mr. Bigglesworth.
Silver Tabby… been with me since April 2008 and has ‘never’ left my side. Was the first thing I did when I left Northshire Abbey was visit the cat lady and buy my Silver Tabby for 38 silver. To get the money wasn’t easy but it was worth it. He has played every expansion and been to every region in the game. All my screenshots have him standing there. From walking out onto Hellfire and catching the very first boat to Northrend. And what is interesting is that although the game limits you to three pets, I have like over half a dozen of them, cus they predate Battle Pets.
Creepy crate, hands-down. Not impressive as a battle pet but just a really cool pet to wander about with.
Treasure Goblin. I wish I have it. I wish they make it obtainable again. Even if they put to store for 35 €, I will buy it in first minutes.
Ethereal Soul Trader.
Definitely Snarly. I remember getting it from my first fishing daily quest back in TBC.
Stuck by my side ever since.
‘Shadow’, for this character…although Left Shark and Sunborn Val’kyr are high on the list.