Your Customization Wishlist

It’s a stretch but I’m still clinging on to the hope of a thin Kul’tiran model. Desperately want a human mage that hasn’t been in the gym all their life.

Would like to see some updates and customisations for the old druid forms.

Un-hunched darkspear, forsaken and worgen

Male draenei with smaller torsos and a variety of tail options.

Shoulder size adjustments. Most shoulders look awful on male worgen

One can dream, although I’m shocked at some of the stuff that’s already been announced. Really is a game changer.


Female cows don’t have horns/antlers irl so maybe give me a no-horn option? Don’t worry I will wear something on my head so it won’t be as weird as you think.
Also please more hairstyles for dwarves. And small beard options.

I’ve made a similar post before but people don’t seem to support the idea. I would love it tho.


YESSS perfect for my night warrior eyes on my nelf



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I’d rather be able to choose no matter what spec/presence I’m in. Otherwise yes 100% we need green and red eyes!

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Breast size slider.

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Some love for night elves. Please work on the male body. It looks… everything but normal. I’d also love to see more faces added to them and highborne options like fair skin and hair tones. Also feathers and maybe leaves in their hair. That would be awesome.

The Worgen model needs an update aswell. They look so… off. And please give their backs the orc and troll treatment. A tail would be nice too.

High elf hair tones and styles for void elves.

Height options for all races. Please! :sparkling_heart:

More skin tones and faces for nightborne.

Dark ranger option for blood elves.



For everybody:

  • Faction-specific hairstyles shared between all/most races.
  • Hair dyes available at barbers, for a huge range of colors whichever the race.

For the Night Elves:

  • eyebrows and hairstyle customized separately
  • facial markings and hair color customized separately
  • right now males and females have different skin colors: share them
  • eye colors: gold and silver should be available to both males and females
  • facial markings: should be available to both males and females

Then add:

  • new hair colors as seen in the Warbringers Azshara video: blond, red, auburn, black and darker shades of purple and blue
  • new skin shades such as electric blue (Azshara), white (full moon) and darker or more saturated colors within the current palette

Examples from another thread:

’Nightsky colors’: (gotta love the contrast of full and new moon colors)

’Magical colors’ (saturated variations of current colors)

’Earth colors’ (variation and mixes of male skin 7 and female skin 5)

  • new eye colors such as green (druids, like Malfurion) and purple (mages)
  • a few younger faces , especially the males!
  • jewelry for both males and females (the Nightborne use them!)
  • new haircuts
  • new markings and marking colors such as bright white and blue

Again, examples from another thread: (white and black please!)



Female trolls urgently need more hairstyles and more 'not so ugly faces". I think 95% of characters have the same face… It’s been a problem since Vanilla) New skin colors and painting options that were datamined look great and are very welcome, but I’d be extremely dissapointed if we won’t get some new face and hairstyle options.
Btw, more faces and hairstyles for allied races will be very welcome too! Nighbourne and Zandalari really need them.


Straight worgen for both genders even the females have their head slouched forward a bit… And some actual hairstyles not wigs.

Hairstyles for Vulpera.
More hairstyles for Pandaren, and fix their neckline.

Red, Green, Purple and black eyes for Death Knights.

Option to hide 3d models on armor or at least variants without them. Yes i know it’s great to finally get armors that aren’t just body paint. But unfortunatly there are again cases with the same issue as with most shoulderpads, which is that the armor tends to be either oversized or over designed. Example being i think the leather set for Darkshore Horde where you got a table stuck to the chest.

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Thematic face and body paint for each of the major tauren tribes, Grimtotem included.

More horn options.


More piercings, nose rings, earrings, etc.

For HM give more antler colors, more antler engravings, scars, more facial hair options, more skin color options and freaking PIERCINGS!



  1. A optional bulkier body type like Forest and Ice Trolls have.
  2. Green skin as an option. Forest Trolls are part of the Horde (Revantusk) and are part of Warcracft since WC2. They are for many troll fans their favorites. And with their two oldest enemies (- Aqir), the High Elves and Wildhammer now as playable option, it’s simply a must.
  3. More hair styles, dread locks, different mowhawks etc. Not this one ugly palm thing.
  4. Tattoo / tribal painting option matching a loa.
  5. Nose rings
  6. Piercings and oder body jewelry and art in form of bones, claws etc. Some of them are confirmed.
  7. Perhaps “goat beard’s” like Vol’jin and the Shadowhunters + Witch Doctors in WC3 had. Rokhan needs his beard back.
  8. More tusk options, for male and females. Some bigger ones for females and more “jewelry” like carvings for example.
  9. Straight back option would also be nice for males.



Taunka option.
Different beards and hair styles.
More variation for their faces.
Carvings for their horns.

Broken body option
Different tails
A darker look, scared from war, perhaps some fel or other markings of old wounds, which never healed). Not only normal scares.

More face options
More hair options
Tattoos / war paints

Height option.
They could make it very simple, give us let’s say 3 options.
Small: Will make your char X% smaller (5% perhaps).
Average: Normal
Tall: Will make your char X% taller (5% perhaps).


Mostly play undeads, so I will add an idea.
I know they are adding some stuff, like the amount of flesh on the body, joint coverage etc.
I was thinking, if they ever go to the slider model of customization, for undead I would imagine a “decay” slider would work.
You start at one end of decay slider, and you are basically human shaped still, with markings either from your killing blow etc.
Stuff like hole in stomach from a polearm, but still pretty fresh, today’s risen undead.
This would go as far as almost skeleton race at the other end of the slider. We have good skeleton models in game now, and more were datamined for SL.


I would like playable Skellingtons. Some kind of Racial transmog or “Damage” cosmetic option to add a sword sticking out of your chest would certainly be cool too and make the Undead more… well, Undead!

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For everyone I want to see more facial hair, hairstyles, jewellery and scars/tattoos. But I have a few specific ones I want to see:


  • Straight back
  • Skeleton

Blood Elf:

  • Dark Ranger-like skin, pale/gray skin with red eyes


  • Alliance/Horde themed war paint

vicious scars, deformitys, birth defects, missing limbs, scaly skin, poison dropping from nose/claws, smoking patches of skin on undead, maggots crawling out of eyes and walking to ears, flies

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A lot of things I want, in general more hair and customization options for all races.

But if I had to pick one thing…
It would be Hair Colors for Void Elves… And no, I don’t mean blonde, or brown or red for that matter.

I want one completely black and one completely white.
Like the black from Humans and White from Night Elves.

I’ve wanted that since Void Elves became a thing because it’s awesome :heart_eyes:


Seeing as Void Elves are already getting high elf skin and eyes.
For additional Void Elf customization I wouldn’t mind:

  • Blood Elf hairstyles and colors(Including the new ones, we probably are getting them, it just isn’t set in stone)
  • Tattoos.
  • Chokers with the Silvermoon Emblem(Red for BE and Blue for VE)
  • Scars.
  • High Elf voice set.
  • Make up.
  • Nail polish.
  • Idle and combat stances.

Yeah, aside from 1 and 2, I am not holding out hope, but it is nice to dream of such things.


Good idea for the Horde ones.

Trolls need more jewelry, more patterns, more style! Right now they’ve pretty much just got crude body paint. Ever seen real tribal work? It’s intricate stuff, really gorgeous.


I agree with this.

Dark purple and saxe blue eye colour options for Void Elf only. There must be a distinctive feature of them. Blood Elves have golden eyes, we shall have these voidish colours.