Your favorite wow character

Depends. I very much liked Classic Tirion. Wasn’t so fond of the WotLK and onwards version of him.

I suppose Khadgar is my current favourite? He’s had such a terrible life, but he’s always such a breath of optimism and cheer whenever he’s the Expansion Main NPC. Having to deal with Jaina’s nonsense Alliance-side after him is so boring.


Cairne Bloodhoof. Still to this day I can’t believe they just killed him off and not even in the game but in the book and he wasn’t even mentioned anywhere. He was so much better than Baine. When Thrall elected Garrosh as Warchief only he disagreed with that choice and when the druids were attacked by orcs Cairne believed that it was Garrosh and he didn’t just stand still. He challenged him Mak’gora and could have won if Magatha had not poisened Garroshs weapon. Like Baine he was diplomatic and wanted peace but when he sensed that danger is coming he immediately reacted whereas Baine reacts too late


Actually, un-ironically - the Sylvanas. Among generic-good garbage like Thrall or Bane, she is the only one, of all the leaders, which actually has at least some resemblance of agenda or motivation. Beginning from helping belfs to fight scourge, use belf to make deals with the Horde, scheming behind everybody backs with the new blight, her war against Lich King and then scheming to overthrow Garrosh… the list could go on and on and on and on. What Baine done for all this time, other that sit his butt and jerking off on flowers and butterflies and being all peaceful hippy? Hmm? Or thrall? Don’t even make me start on wrong factions leaders, cause they had ONE leader for all their history and even he was just a copy of Thrall even to the point that blizzard seems to forgot that alliance is khmm, Is an ALLIANCE of many humans kingdoms, and it supposed to be governed by committee of representatives, not by solo blue warchief Varian. So yeah, the Dark Lady.


Tyrande ever since they gave her her fangs back.
Before that: Greymane
I am quiet fond of alliance characters that actually want to fight the horde.

Before that was garrosh.
He was suchs a good tool to make the faction war last forever.
Instead they made him a scapegoat.

Cataclysm story was bad but with a few changes(Mostly alliance actually winning some fights)
It could have been a lovely back and forth.
But blizzard is not known for its knowledge on how to run an militery campaign.


before bfa, sylvanas, after bfa, jaina

Arthas, always and forever.

I’m a Star Wars fan first and foremost and he’s pretty much the Anakin Skywalker of Warcraft.

Seeing a great hero become his worst possible version always fascinated me somehow.

I also like Garrosh, Azshara, Jaina and Sargeras a lot



Grom, even with how he acted in WOD, though i think that was more to do with the story being cut.

Hes a savage orc but he tries to tow the line between honor and savagery. Grom death in Wc3 is still sad.

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seems pretty dumb to accuse the horde leader just because one of the twilight hammer was an orc though.

That would be like saying all warlocks caused the legion to invade because they summon demons.

Especially since thrall’s horde is but a small part of the total orc population infesting Azeroth.

There are plenty of old horde orc’s out there.

Arthas ranks as number 1, which is weird because when I first played Warcraft 3 I hated him, and going into the Undead Campaign I was like “Oh for the love of… Not this guy again”. Then I started liking him and now he is my favorite.
Baine as close second. Only faction leader aside from Velen I have any respect for.
T’paartos ranks third because, well he is T’paartos!

I like Gob Squad, Runas and Dumass too, fun characters… Also that undead squad in Nazmir, those guys are hilarious.

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cairne must have been really stupid or just wanted a reason to try and get rid of garrosh.

that or poor writing

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The original, true Ashbringer :

Alexandros Mograine.

I feel like most people have forgotten that he ever existed.

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if i remember right, he didnt like the warmongering ways of hellscream and wanted to take the position from him until thrall came back so he could be warchief again

most people that play WoW probably never played any of the warcraft games or read the books, i know i havent.

i dont get how people can like baine, he’s even more of a human trapped in a non-human body then thrall is, seeing baine makes me miss cairne, who at 107 years old challenged hellscream to mak’gora, and baine did nothing until a human was brought back to unlife


Not the cringe “Ragnar Lothbrok” From that abomination of a movie where they made him into a teeny tiny shrimp of a man with no personality BUT

(( Orcs in that movie are amazing tho))

Lothar from the original WoW trilogy the old battle-hardened seasoned warrior with a great big bushy beard whom lead the Alliance against the Horde when they first invaded Azeroth ~

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Cairne Bloodhoof.


Arthas, yas.
