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How the zones and raid will be ? For example is it going to be same with CN? Which was hugely un-melee friendly. What about Rogue class? Pure Melee dps class currently sitting on the last of dps charts. Do you still have Dev team? Gossips telling you don’t. Regards.

Will we see any small class re-works along side launch of chains of domination?

Hello, the current Pvp is unplayable. Unable to find someone to play with if we are not playing meta spec. The game need a very huge work on balancing on PvP.

When solo queue gonna happen ?

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Not about Chains of Domination, but the Classic thread seems to have vanished

  • What are you intending to do about the current gold inflation issues? Are you considering an account-wide raw gold transfer limit for characters transferred to TBC?
  • Will fresh progressive TBC servers be opened alongside the current realms?
  • Will there be a limited number of Classic only realms? What will happen to the less popular formats like RP realms?
  • Will one be able to transfer to a PvE realm from a PvP realm when choosing to remain in Classic?

Why do we get the same things year after year after year after year?

Legendaries - it’s 2021 surely they could of done something far more interesting then a copy and pasted power
Covenants - why not expand more to make them more interesting? New powered covenant… new player powers?
Covenant set - why not add in cool tier set bonuses, that you can use in the zone. I.e bastion set could of had +10% flight speed whilst in bastion etc
Mega dungeon - why not try something new like a proper heist, where the aim is to secure as many artifacts and get weekly rewards upon how well the group does

So many awesome potential new options…

Are there plans to provide any buffs towards Arcane mage? Arcane is a spec which currently suffers from a lack of damage and movement and could use with some tweaks, but the reduced player base to other specs makes this dream seem difficult.

What are the current thoughts about the healer meta in PvE? Can we expect any major/impactful changes in 9.1 to any healers given the huge divide in healers since Shadowlands’ release?

When you will adress these rng oneshot abilities like convoke the spirits, divine toll, chain harvest etc.
Its seriously very very unfun to face and deal with. Its not balanced and its very often impossible to react to them.


Any intention to overhaul or re-design some covenant class abilities? Theres a distinct difference in power level between some to a degree where you begin to contemplate why you’re playing your class when x-class has x-ability and performs x-better

Please don’t bring in a rated solo queue. Improve the group finder with massive QoL changes and bring in a spectator mode with an automatic queue for that instead.
Make it possible to do things while in the group finder! It’s very important!

Overhauling Policies to help do quality control on the damage boosting for gold is doing to the PVE/PVP scene?

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Will the renown catch up mechanism be made less rng and more transparent?


Ion mentioned that we would be seeing the return of tier sets at some point during the Shadowlands. Should we expect to see tier sets return in 9.1, and if they do, will they have set bonuses like old-school tier sets, or just be regular gear with class-specific appearances?

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Since the covenants are supposedly working closer together in 9.1, will you let us switch the covenants/class abilities in Oribos(with a tome also maybe) along with the soulbinds? Without a cooldown, while retaining our current covenant. Since friends/allies borrow powers among them!

Will we have F R E S H vanilla servers??

Can you please tell us about Covenant swapping, as in with balance changes that will come will, we get a free Covenant swap where all of our progress gets swapped over so that way we can still still be up to date and still feel as powerful as we did before?
I know “Meaningful Choice” was a big thing but that isn’t whats happening you only need to look at the logs to see that it’s not the case so will we be able to freely swap covenants so we can play the spec we want and not be punished for it? As an example mathmatically Necrolord is the stronger Covenant for ele and resto shammy but Venthyra is better for Enhancement and I can penalised for for not being optimal and have been removed from groups becuase of it and it’s not an isolated incident it’s happened many times and it doesnt feel fun at all.

For classic TBC, Can we PLEASE get dual-spec, even at the original Wrath cost of 1000g, its a massive QoL improvement and for most players its more gold than the would normally spec on dual spec anyway, which also makes it a better gold sink.

Imo it’s really a no brainer QoL that should be added to TBC. Most people I’ve spoken to (sure small sample size) hate respeccing and spent less than 500g on respecs, but would have no problem dropping 1k for dual spec.

Why do you refuse to buff obviously underperforming specs and nerf obviously overperforming specs in PvP?


Or what about entire classes, what’s the point of them making the group finder a much worse experience for some classes compared to others as much as they’ve done in Shadowlands >.<
The segregation is real.

When will more character customisation be added?

When are you going to give us the other 2 colour shades for the Mechagnome heritage armor?