Watered the class down, then bottled it up and left it to rot in a dark, damp basement. The addition of and subsequent focus on apocalypse first with the weapon and later as a spell introduced a conflict in unholy that plagues the spec to this day. It transitioned HALFWAY from being a raw manabar pressure spec with dots to a more go-oriented one that did most of its damage with pets. And I say halfway, because you still tried to cling onto the dot archetype alongside the pet one, which naturally resulted in unholy performing like absolute cheeks in either of them and only pumping out meaningful dps when you combine both of them, creating the gigaburst spec we’ve all come to know and hate (playing as and playing into) today.
The buttons have 0 weight on them and feel horrid to press because they can’t afford to have any due to the sheer amount of damage sources the spec has, otherwise unholy becomes a tyrant of the ladder pveing people down. Combining two archetypes has resulted in severe button bloat which in turn telegraphs the go from miles away to anyone with more than 2 months of experience in this game. Not even going to go into details about festering wounds, an actual spit and duct tape mechanic in place just to prevent dk from spamming scourge strike and death coil like a worse version of fury warrior.
Wod unholy might’ve been awful, but at least it didn’t suffer from conflicting with itself at its very core, and mop and cata were in my opinion the best iterations of the spec where every single button felt great to press (rip necrotic strike). If you want to roleplay as a necromancer go play demonology warlock and pretend the imps are skeletons, this isn’t what unholy was supposed to be.
Tldr apoc and festering wounds ruined the spec, bring back fat dots, presences and necrotic strike, thanks.