Your tuning sucks, you suck, I'm done

I have watched fury be nerfed, nerfed and nerfed some more, we got nothing to change our damage profile from being this niche bursty class, our single target remains THE worst in the raid right now and we’re about to face an AoE cap on odyns fury and Thunderous Roar. Meanwhile some classes; super strong classes such as Frost DK and Arcane Mage not only remain untouched, but come this reset, will actually be stronger.

Frost DK among a few other top tier specs are currently destroying M+, where are these class nerfs? You laser focused fury since week 1, nerf nerf nerf.

I said this before a number of weeks ago and it will now come to pass. I am done. I have unsubbed after 10 years of playing fury warrior, I have seen many tiers come and go where there has always been questionable balance…this tier and the resets’ upcoming tuning will be the worst balance we have seen for a long time.

I’m done playing this game of yours and I’m even more done paying for it.



It’s so nice getting absolutely slapped into the ground, happy anniversary mate. You had high hopes from the PTR that warrior would be decent? oh, a nice little reasonable nerf? nah, maybe 2? 3? how about another on top?

You tired of been gapped by FDK’s, god knows how many groups in group finder saying “FDK” and then hey, they aren’t touched at all then BUFFED.

I’ll say it again, I genuinely can’t believe the level of incompetence when it comes to balancing. It never bothered me that much before, I did my keys and put up with it but I genuinely don’t believe they actually play the game. They clearly dont read these threads, they clearly don’t care either, obviously.

They can’t even read their own data. It’s all there to see who are the broken, op classes at the moment and the fact with weeks upon weeks of data they buff arguably the best out of them all is grade a evidence that they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing.


Clueless nerfs to warriors
How about just remove class entirely?


Agreed, blizzard devs don’t know how to read data because there to busy playing hello kitty island.


Atleast they know you exist. They totally forgot about priest :smiley:


or Feral Druids :rofl:


blizzard really need to step up their class balance game… there are fan made projects out there that dose it waaay beter with waay more options


I swear to god people who are dealing with these balance updates are clueless about the competitive content of the game.


Nerf more.

We need more tanks… respec prot.

Time to create a tank spec for warlock I think, we do need more tank. Oh and a healing spec for mage, we do need more healers in M+ as well. Then keep not touching lock except the tank spec and destroy all 3 dps spec of mage.

You see we can also solve problems with ridiculous solutions.

They just have one habib with state funds from his medically diagnosed cognitive disability to evaluate anything with more than one dimension, in charge of the entire class balance team, which is one rat and his one chankla.

A class with underwhelming sustained aoe values and high aoe burst, with dogwater ST dps?
1-Let’s reduce the target cap, which wasn’t an issue, to more than half (yes, TR’s cap was not 8 targets like they said)
2-Let’s ninja nerf procs from sustained aoe’s, because why not
3-Let’s balance the nerfs by upgrading unused skills just enough so that it doesn’t constitute a boost.
4-Let’s force them to desync cooldowns.
5-Oh and for good measure, let’s nerf hero talents that benefit single target.

next week we’ll think about more genius moves.


They really should turn warlock into Tank/Healer/DPS, as the world of warcraft always needs more healers and tanks.

Then they simply keep nerfing the warlock DPS spec to have ppl go tank and healer.


Think about it.

Don’t just create straw man arguments

Considering what “Blizz knowing we exist” means for Warriors, be glad they forgot about Priests…

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Chill guys…

Just play Arms instead… oh wait… Nvm :joy:

At least you are a funny troll, keep it going!

Played some 10 keys today - gameplay and feel-wise, the nerfs hit fury HARD. The 5 target cap are the opposite of fun, the general damage nerfs are just frustrating. Compared to my enhance sham friend, fury brings neither damage, nor utility, nor dispels, nor emergency tanking, nor bloodlust, nor self ress, nor range kick.


The layoffs must’ve included the balance team cause it’s been atrocious since launch. Genuinely some of the worst balancing this game has seen in a while.

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All dooming and jokes aside, as a deadly serious topic, this. It genuinely feels like the balancing team is pretty thin, they are always late to everything, not ahead of it, even though they have all the data and should be the ones to know what to do.

It’s such a huge part of the game they need to get right yet it feels like it’s one of the most under-funded parts of their company.