Your wish list for Hunter spec in Dragonflight

This would only work for aimed shot, make it instant without charging.

Bring back Monkey Stun!!!

Also, make ALL abilities associated to our pet usable while stunned or LoS of it. Everything. There has to start being a benefit for being so reliant on a pet that when we are not in LoS of it, or it is CCd, or Dead, or bugged, that we receive some kind of compensation for putting up with that kind of nonsense.

Pie in the sky wishes for Survival

  • I would like for there to be a Legion style Survival talent branch. I know it wasn’t super popular, but hey, I liked it! Purge the +% damage talents on the right side of the tree, Swap Fury of the Eagle and Spearhead (or don’t, both are fine), and change Flanking Strike and Mongoose Bite to be closer to how they were. Flanking Strike as a big damage focus spender with increased proc chance for Mongoose Bite, could possibly replace Kill Command as focus wasn’t the big limiting factor Legion SV, and Mongoose Bite, that doesn’t replace Raptor Strike and doesn’t cost focus, as an ability on CD with charges and has a chance to reset on either your or pet’s auto attacks (or bring back lacerate and tie it to that), and Coordinated Assault or Spearhead could increase the proc chance while you have Mongoose Bite talented. Also node for Raptor Strike to provide an upkeep buff.

  • I don’t know if ranged crowd would like anything short of fully ranged SV again, but they could borrow the the Black Arrow/Lock’n’Load loop, but with current abilities, since we already have most of it, more or less. Wildfire Bomb would play the role of Explosive Shot, and KC/RS are already equivalents to Cobra and Arcane Shots, but it’s missing a Black Arrow. Which could be served by either simply bringing back Back Arrow, but that has the weird thematic problem it always had. You could also use Lacerate, but on CD, which would be fine. Or it could be a trap. Immolation Trap, or maybe Caltrops. Though traps do have problems with bosses that don’t actually stand in the arena
which might actually be why they worked to deemphasize traps. Something to think about.
    Alternatively, Wildfire Bombs could be the Black Arrow, and Kill Shot serve as Explosive Shot, but that feels less satisfying than bunch of explosions going off one after another.

  • I kinda want them to make Chakrams good, I love the idea of the ability but they just can’t seem to make worth taking. Maybe chakrams that cause a bleed could be the Black Arrow equivalent.

Oh yeah, I would also like a glyph that turns all the tiny crossbow abilities on SV into Outlaw gun (and vice versa for Outlaw, so they get a glyph for tiny crossbow)

More seriously, we (that is, all specs) could use an additional defensive ability, preferably one that does not lock us out of attacking. I’ve been toying in my head with the idea of Camo having shorter but more defensive effect when used in combat. But maybe that sounds better in my head than it would be in practice.

I want Wild Spirits to return as an ability for hunters, maybe have it the same but aesthetically different so it green instead of blue i dunno and uses nature magic instead of night fae magic. I feel crippled without it in raids lol

Actually I think it would be better if you could choose the “spec” of your pets, like stances (ot if you familiar with SW:Tor, comapnion lores)

I think BM could be made more complex. I’ve heard people say that BM is a good starter spec since it’s easy to play (which is true) but because of that it shouldn’t top DPS meters, which I think is bull. Why not make it more complex but leave the core abilities alone so new people can still get a feel for the game. A way this could be done is by making it so BM doesn’t have to cast dismiss pet, and the core gameplay loop revolves around summoning new pets mid fight for every situation. I’ve had enough of playing a spec which blizzard doesn’t care about (considering that it’s been bad since the start of SL).

I think it would also be cool to make a build that focuses on mastery, and make it so that the more mastery you have the more pets you can summon (maybe have it so that for every 5% of mastery, you have a 20% chence to summon a new pet from your stable when you use an ability) and incorporate seperation anxiety into that, like Aylu mentioned before.

I know a lot of people don’t like using pets as their main source of damage, but then we could add an aura for SV so they can use bows and another so that they deal 5% more DMG in melee and make it so they cannot be changed in combat. This would make it so that people who don’t like using pets can go with MM, people who want to have a pet out but don’t don’t want it to be their main source of dmg can go SV and beast masters could actually be the masters of beasts. That would play into class fantasy way more that barbed shot or cobra shot.

Pet pathing obviously needs work too, but if I remember correctly they said that they’re trying to improve it.

i just want take Wild fire bomb without be force to play a heavy cost points dumb proc talent ( deadly duo / explo expert) cause one dev think it’s a so cool gameplay to have 3,75% chance to have a KS Free when KC proc reset and reduce my bombCD that carve reduce before by numbers of targets hit. "Hey you will have some times Red bomb so spam kc an pray 
 " THX Mister Genius.

If dev" don’t have better ideas or can’t bring back some cool spells from Legion just let me play as BFA /SL at least.

Look at the shaman tree and come back after it with thoughts on what you want for the hunters.
It’s just plain stupid when you look at hunters after it.

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  • To bring the SV spec and Class tree on par with the amazing work rogues, evoker, shaman etc has gotten. It’s just depressing to look at those trees as a Hunter, knowing what we could have gotten.

  • Some real actual interaction with our pets back! Currently it’s just this cosmetic dot we keep on a leash. I’d like it if they brought back a lot of utility we had through pets. For example the buffs from different pet families (fortitude from Tenacity pets, intellect from cunning and perhaps battleshout from ferocity). Battle ress from one family, keep Bloodlust from Ferocity and give perhaps another, extra defensive utility from Tenacity pets. And let us pick family separate from the actual pet and pets race. If I want to play a ferocity pet but love my turtle, let me!

  • To not get the exact same builds for the specs as we’ve had the last 3 expansions. All the trees just bring back pretty much a mesh of the legion/BFA and SL playstyles. It’s Beast cleave AoE and barbed shot/KC for BM hunters. It’s WFB for AoE and MB for ST for SV and for MM it sounds like it will play very similar to now with big influence from Legions playstyle. There is nothing new at all pretty much. For a class that is 17 years old it’s very lazy and boring. It just feels dead and so short of what we could have gotten and what most if not all other classes so far have gotten.

I actually wouldn’t mind pets being “DOTs” as long as our main pet would be special in that it offers utility, pet talents would be really nice, but considering that the Hunter tree as a whole is well
 let’s just say under-designed compared to the other classes, I don’t see pet talents coming back, would be real cool though.

Also if our pets are being treated as DOTs, at the very least give us talents that make it so that they apply different types of effects, like healing reduction, poison, bleed, silence, AoE cleave, as well as deal damage. Summon scorpion for poison, hyena/cats for bleed, hydra for cleave or whatever.

Completely agree with the lack of change in playstyle though
 I don’t think it’s needed to completely redesign the specs, but considering that each spec could have such a rich fantasy, it’s disappointing to see that it’s the same old stuff we’ve been playing for 3 expansions.

Resonating arrow, Kyrian ability.

It’s just cool.

Simple request, I know :slight_smile:

Make “Fetch” and “Play Dead” core Pet skills.

I absolutely LOATHE animal companion, to me it is anathema to the hunter class fantasy. It should be a split talent; either you buff your single pet’s damage by 30% or you have 2 pets who deal 65% damage each (total of 130% pet damage). That way you won’t have people like me who are genuinely put off by the idea of playing BM just because it i hate having 2 pets out at once (I don’t care what you say, you pick the superior dps option in 99% of cases)

Lone Wolf is also bad. Just give MM a 10% damage buff and still let them have a pet out.

#Buffbm #Buffbm

2 charges of glyphed detterence in stead of the stupid turtle.
Black arrow, old explosive shot, snake trap, immolation trap, exotic munitions back to sv so we can build a range spec iff we want to.
Sv is using talents from bm so you can give sv also L&L from mm.
The legion play style of mm implemented in the spec tree of mm would be a fun adition to.

Even binding shot stunn was better than binding shot and scatter on the same node, it’s like nerfing mm iff they play lone wolf in pvp.
Talent trees are all about choice, but the choice sv has is only WFB and MB.
It’s just so boring to play sv because almost all the talents they had did go to the class tree, sv was a trapper before, but with no more traps now.
Like i said before, sv is not sv hunter, it just became a boring tinker that throws bombs.

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hopefully we can tame dragons in dragonflight 

Anyone saw the ret pala and mage tree, even they got things back.
So this truly means that the hunter tree is the most underdeveloped talent tree.
They should be ashamed.

I only want one thing, and one thing only to be able to play my favourite spec.

Remove. Freaking. Rapid Fire. I hate the animation, i hate it is almost forced on us to do good dps. I like to be the 1 shot, 1 hit guy and always loved that on classic. Even barrage, or whatever it was called, looks ugly to me since it was, again, an abnormaly accelerated shooting animation.
I beg, @Blizzard, if you don’t at least remove it, let us change it to an ability with similar effects but no fast shooting.

1/1 talent point - ability to use your pet as your mount !

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Barbed Shot just needs to get gone. Dire Beast needs to make a return in its place.

Also - 3 points in the node to get the crit buff with Barbed Shot is far too many.

Less talents with Barbed Shot interaction, please!

Multishot baseline for MM and BM - spending si many talents to buff it feels a waste.

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