You've ruined legacy raid scaling again

Maybe they don’t want to spend hours, days, weeks & months designing content that players can steamroll through in 2 years.
What’s so hard about making a legacy raid group?
You’re lazy.

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Why that boss should be soloable? Get group for it.

Killed mythic Jaina pretty easily yesterday, SL did seem harder though.

Slg was super punishing on main and denathrius was brutal on my alt pally. I’m just waiting for when I can skip or easily do Kael thas on warrior. I want the heroic mog so doubt people will join in group finder

Not exactly Legacy but I have had to give up with the Mix on Pandaria. I have a level 39 character and have the gear gifted me by the game. Up to yesterday it was what I would call normal gameplay, and for me as a fire mage pretty basic stuff and I follow my usual attack strategy depending on mob number.

Sadly yesterday no sooner had I engaged but my shield vanished and the red ring of death was flickering on the screen. I decided to use some of my gear cache and upgraded. Came back, same thing, the shield was down in seconds and the damage was hoofing out 30 percent a go.

I came back today thinking its just a glitch and not only am I like getting the red screen flickering on the verge of death within seconds but my character is being attacked by strange effects that are not showing as a damaging effect anywhere on screen. And each zap I am losing a third of health.

I have tried over and over to change my battle system but the mobs are zapping my shield immediately and the damage is just crippling me, I have to run away or die. Seriously been playing since 2008 as a mage and never encountered anything like it. My damage to them is pretty good and what I would expect, taking stuff down would be easy, but if I take any kind of hit its really ripping my char to pieces.

I have given up this time, its not worth the effort. I can only get the gear I get from quests so I’m out of options. Like I say only started yesterday after the patch. Before that I was just playing my normal game. The game got super pointless in double time.

The damage I am taking is out of scale to the mob strength. Never mind.

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Then how come i’ve been able to solo the entire thing for years? You just don’t know how to solo eonar, it is 100% soloable and it’s very easy to learn.

Has nothing to do with our ability to solo SL content on mythic then pre-patch dropped and the bosses have more than twice original health making it impossible to pass certain encounters solo. They intentionally ruined soloing content that was soloable up to this last reset.

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Off: i really like your transmog. What a great character idea.

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Literally the only reason I resubbed. What exactly is there to do in WoW atm? Because the warband bank has been disabled for 2 days, and the raids I was happily farming before the patch I CANNOT solo anymore.


The scaling is really frustrating, I do wish they could just get rid of it all together.
I’d really like my damage to be consistent no matter the content but we can’t due to all the historic stat squishes.

Also agree that we should get some type of buff when entering older raids since the content is no longer relevant.


The same thing did not happen in the DF pre-patch?
Well you know Blizz fun police I guess, wanted to farm some mogs for my alts since we have now the warbands thingy…

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phew, I was afraid for a moment I do less dps than before the “patch”, still I was able to finish every BFA mythic raid this week, nathria castle mythic only the first boss
how this even happened? werent they suppose to buff YOUR damage x10 times in old raids?

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Did they increase health again? I know my Hunter isn’t geared well but soon as the patch hit I was going through the BFA raid finder really quickly now this week the loot cash wise has been nerfed and even on my mostly 502 gear bosses are taking alot longer… Seemed fine for me last week.

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Their scaling is for next expansion but we all agree with you they should just make the bosses die from one attack when its old content you don’t need from 2 expacks ago.

Personally make a option to go scale down so the bosses die fast from 1 attack which you can choose to opt in as.

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