Yzera 😑

I am so disappointed of her. Why did she return if she won’t be an aspect :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I just don’t like it. If she is going to teach her daughter something I may say ok it is passable.

Not a fan either of Ysera not being the aspect, broke my heart when she died but then again, she will need to return to Ardenweald eventually, if Malfurion is ever to return. Most likely Merithra going be the next aspect, IF there will be aspects which at this point I am not entirely sure with all the shady info on the Titans.

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We’ve not seen exactly what they’ve got planned witht he whole emerald portal business or whatever else so it’s hard to say what her intended role is outside “Get rid of Malfurion swiftly and plausibly ASAP”

Blizzard has no freaking clue what to do with us so they just use us has some kind of vessels meant to sacrifice themselves at any given chance for the sake of the plot.
We are a proud and ancient race, but it seems all we do is suffering.
Let’s hope something good comes out of the tree.

I’d be quite happy if there was an expansion without Night Elf centric content for once.


Well, then just play BC,wotlk, mop or wod.
We just started getting some attention in the past expansions, except for cata we weren’t that really relevant up until Legion.

They’ve given Night Elves so much attention that they’ve forgotten to stop for an expansion.

Humans, Orcs, Forsaken and Night Elves need to be pushed out of the story for an expansion and let others shine.

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B-But we just started to shine… All we did up until now was suffering…

Legion did not make Night Elves suffer.
Shadowlands and the Ardenweald story was decent for Night Elves
Dragonflight is very good for Night Elves.

I don’t know - can we see Void Elves, Nightborne and Blood Elves for a change?

Those still have the obligatory druidy world police areas/questlines.

Im sorry then, i can’t find an expansion for you where the druid class is non existent or nature related questlines don’t exist.
If it bothers you so much then try to ignore them.

Because she is a woman and Malfurion is not.

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It doesn’t particularly bother me outside the rather specific context of Night Elf fans whining about getting dedicated content every single expansion, in one way or another.

Maybe i’d prefer seeing other kinds of elf, dwarves, dreanei, forsaken, etc. for once. Don’t you think it’s rather telling that the expansion about the cosmic force of death had one Forsaken character, who spent most of it villaining off screen, until pretty much the epilogue, while the “Woe is Tyrande” got a quarter of the endgame dedicated to it?


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