Zandalari balance form

Hello everyone.
Recently decided to cr8 new druid and choose zandalari race, cos of their cool boomking form. But when i loged in i discovered, that i have default balance form. I have zandalari bear and cat form, but boomking is this big fat bird, instead of thin chiken
Can some1 explain to me, how can i get this form in 2024? Is it even avialble? Barber don`t have any other boomking form for fresh character.

Hi, checked my several druids of different lvls, looks like customization options for balance form open up later on with your lvl. So far can tell that they should be open by the 60th lvl.

So i can play nightelf and still get this form when i get 60?

No, these forms are still bound to race.
You need to be zandalari to be able to use zandalari boomkin customization

okey, thx a lot for info! Still confuses me, why do i get zandalari bear and cat form by default and boomking form only at 80lvl…

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