Zandalari Boomie Unfinshed

No dance animation, no wave animation, no chicken animation, no cheer animation, no bow animation and no train animation. There is some kind of animation when you type /gasp… it doesn’t appear to be much of anything related though, just generic movements.

While running, it looks as though you have a broken wing and are keeping it safe from on coming obstacles.
Treants… are still treants, as if a Zandalari Troll Druid is going to summon up trees, I’m not sure what I expected to be summoned but this was a disappointment to be sure. Even those Pineapple looking blobs made on those randomised planets in NoManSky would have been better.

There are probably a lot more I’ve yet to find… or not find.


It’s a shame actually, I was thinking of making my druid one but they sound like a work in progress. Thats really disappointing since we’ve been waiting forever and its an opportunity for Blizz to show some creativity and cleverness.

The most annoying thing, that stops me from race change to Zandalari: moonkin jump animation after each Moonfire, Starfire, Lunar Wrath and some healing spells. Blizz, can you just keep whole animation, but get rid of the jump?

This are the animations of WoD Arakkoa. Nothing surprising here.

I don’t care much about the emotes but movement animation is indeed so bad. It just couldn’t look more unfinished .It’s even worse if you have some sort of movement speed increased like the potion of speed for example , it’s disgusting.

Although I do love the animation we have (don’t stone me), the lack of proper chicken dance is truly a waste.
Hell, even if /dance was him walking around and acting like chicken would satisfy me.
Actually yes, please do that.

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why are you surprised?
The mage tower guardian appearances still don’t have the animations and probably never will have. So I guess it will be the same with KT and zanda special forms

Kul Tiran boomie form is based on the regular boomie model. I’m assuming that it has all the animations the regular boomie also has. Zandalari boomie is a mob model. Very bare bones, very disappointing.

probably, I didn’t try KT moonkin honestly. My KT shaman stole the jumping animation of dreaneis :o

Regular boomie form aka. FAT UGLY RETARDED CHICKEN is the best form in the game so far. They should never changed it. It dances very good!

The moonkin for has no fishing animation either just stands holding the rod doesn’t cast it just holds it down by the side

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