Zandalari Classes .. huh?

So .. I have a few problems with the classes Zandalari can and can't be played as!

It makes 0 sense that Zandalari cannot be played as Warlock and Deathknight. Taken in consideration that Paladin can be played as both Tauren and Zandalari.

If we can have Tauren "Sun" Paladins, and Zandalari "Sun" Paladin - we can have followers of Bwonsamdi Deathknights and Witch Doctor Warlocks. It is less of a stretch than the Paladin joke.

In my opinion, they should remove Tauren and Zandalari paladins - or add Zandalari Deathknight and Zandalari Warlocks.
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So .. I have a few problems with the classes Zandalari can and can't be played as!

It makes 0 sense that Zandalari cannot be played as Warlock and Deathknight. Taken in consideration that "Zandalari" can be played as both Tauren and Zandalari.

If we can have Tauren "Sun" Paladins, and Zandalari "Sun" Paladin - we can have followers of Bwonsamdi Deathknights and Witch Doctor Warlocks. It is less of a stretch than the Paladin joke.

In my opinion, they should remove Tauren and Zandalari paladins - or add Zandalari Deathknight and Zandalari Warlocks.

Blizzzard said that no allied race will be able to be Death Knight or Demon Hunter in BfA. Sorry, they just don't fit with those starting zones. It's possible they might expand it in later expansions and introduce new starting zones.

As for Warlocks I agree, there's no reason why they can't be them. And Witch Doctors aren't Warlocks, they are shamans.

Zandalari Paladins existed in the game since Mists of Pandaria so it makes sense.

Removing class/race combos is not an option and classes like Paladin can realy use more variety in races but not all of them fit.
They fit starting zone more than Worgen and few others~

Not that it matters since Blizzard said "no" and I am not High Elf supporter to live in denial.
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Warlocks do not make sense for the zandalari at all because Loa > demon and to be a warlock, you would have to put demons before the Loa which would likely be intolerable.
Small Update, either website got it wrong or the devs on the panel

Here you can see that they announced that Znadalari can be warlocks. So it's possible they will be warlocks.

03/11/2018 01:15Posted by Jesi
They fit starting zone more than Worgen and few others~

All the races, including Worgen existed in the world during Wrath of the Lich King. Worgen from Gilneas were locked off, but Worgen Death Knight is a Worgen from Silverpine Forest and not Gilneas directly.

Some allied races were also in the world back then and fit narratively with the story of Death Knight starting zone but the issue is the starting level and heritage armor. That creates a small conflict between Allied Race system and Heroic Class system.

It's still possible they might open Death Knights and Demon Hunters for more races in the future. Just one expansion ago they opened Hunters to new race. So there's still a posibility
03/11/2018 01:23Posted by Siffrah
Warlocks do not make sense for the zandalari at all because Loa > demon and to be a warlock, you would have to put demons before the Loa which would likely be intolerable.

Well... they could be not only Warlock but also Demon Hunter

All the races, including Worgen existed in the world during Wrath of the Lich King. Worgen from Gilneas were locked off, but Worgen Death Knight is a Worgen from Silverpine Forest and not Gilneas directly.

And Zandalari were everywhere around the world~ You could throw a stone and say that Zandalari have been there. They traveled all around the world with this superior navy~ They were as NPC in Northrend and that means they could be around when Illidari forces attacked ICC.

Makes more sense than capturing a wild dog, turning it into sentient dog and teaching it how to wield weapons. Not only Worgen makes less sense~ There is Draenei that should be crashing somewhere in Kalimdor instead of fighting Scourge. Most Kalimdor races like Darkspear Troll, Tauren, Orc and others were not fighting Scourge in Eastern Kingdoms as well. Its not their continent~

There should be only 4 DK races:
Blood Elf
Forsaken (Human)
I really, really want to play Zandalari, but i also really really want to play Deathknight or Warlock ...

So.. fck me right?
03/11/2018 01:03Posted by Aizaz
It makes 0 sense that Zandalari cannot be played as Warlock and Deathknight. Taken in consideration that Paladin can be played as both Tauren and Zandalari.

Not really.
Warlocks are demon bound, and the Zandalari never had any history with demons.
Witchdoctors are not the same as Warlocks, they dont make contracts with demons. Witch Doctors woulod be a totaly new class.

And for Deathknight, only races that were around during Arthas second coming can be Deathknights.

The Lich King is gone, the only Deathknights that remain are those who were betrayed by him in WotLK. (As proof: YOu still go though that exact questline when making a new DK)
Bwonsambi is no Lich King. He is a Loa. He doesnt raise undead slaves forever. he might do it for a short amount of time, but when you are dead, he wants your soul to go to the other side, not stay here.

And for Paladins, I think Zandalari Paladins are more in the direction of Loa-Guardians.
Zandalari worship the Loa. Certain Loa, like Rezan, have a noble and powerful nature that allows (through their patronage) something similar to Paladins.

These are called Prelates.

Not all Paladins worship the Light and are merely grouped together for confidence sake in game.

Death Knights are not just any dead person brought back to life. It's a special type of Scourge magic. Zandalari Trolls never fell in high enough numbers to validate a cadre of Death Knights.

Furthermore, Death Knights are a "story-locked" hero class, as are Demon Hunters. Every single hero class character is created at the same point in the time-line. Therefore no additional races can be added.
Kul tirans cant be mage when most known mage is kul tiran. (even people not much in to wow know jaina because wc3)
03/11/2018 01:23Posted by Siffrah
Warlocks do not make sense for the zandalari at all because Loa > demon and to be a warlock, you would have to put demons before the Loa which would likely be intolerable.

Well... they could be not only Warlock but also Demon Hunter

All the races, including Worgen existed in the world during Wrath of the Lich King. Worgen from Gilneas were locked off, but Worgen Death Knight is a Worgen from Silverpine Forest and not Gilneas directly.

And Zandalari were everywhere around the world~ You could throw a stone and say that Zandalari have been there. They traveled all around the world with this superior navy~ They were as NPC in Northrend and that means they could be around when Illidari forces attacked ICC.

Makes more sense than capturing a wild dog, turning it into sentient dog and teaching it how to wield weapons. Not only Worgen makes less sense~ There is Draenei that should be crashing somewhere in Kalimdor instead of fighting Scourge. Most Kalimdor races like Darkspear Troll, Tauren, Orc and others were not fighting Scourge in Eastern Kingdoms as well. Its not their continent~

There should be only 4 DK races:
Blood Elf
Forsaken (Human)

Zandalari around that time had problems of their own, namely that their island was sinking (which I guess they changed after Legion) so it is logical to assume that they were not out in force to fight on Northrend or anywhere for that matter. I mean we have evidence of pandaren DKs but still pandaren cannot be death knights.

DKs are Horde/Alliance heroes who fell in the fight against the Scourge, and yes, there were taurens and orcs in Eastern Kingdoms. They were presumably argent dawn members (the NPC you have to kill during the questline hints to that, since he is AD member himself.)

Draenei crashlanded in Kalimdor in TBC times, so why would it be impossible for them to become DKs?

I have a feeling that you have problems following the timelines.

03/11/2018 12:52Posted by Cynicaddict
Kul tirans cant be mage when most known mage is kul tiran. (even people not much in to wow know jaina because wc3)

I think there was an edit later on in the class lists of Kul'Tirans and Zandalari, namely that Zandalari CAN be warlocks, and Kul'Tirans CAN be mages.

There should be only 4 DK races:
Blood Elf
Forsaken (Human)

Why blood elf tho? The original death knight was an orc.
Blood elves went with illidan to northtrend to try to stop arthas. They failed. Blood queen lanathel was one of those blood elves. The whole sanlayn comes from them.
03/11/2018 12:55Posted by SaĆ­lor

There should be only 4 DK races:
Blood Elf
Forsaken (Human)

Why blood elf tho? The original death knight was an orc.

All of the original races of the horde and alliance are available to be death knights because, not only were they there during reign of chaos/frozen throne but they were also there during both the scourge invasion of vanilla and pre-wotlk, thus why draenei can also be dk.

Worgen is a bit hit and miss but assuming you are actually one that was outside the walls at this time, it would be entirely possible but also breaks the "not enough" concept... Worgen are a bit of a problem to explain in terms of being a death knight because of this and probably shouldn't even be to dk.
03/11/2018 12:55Posted by SaĆ­lor

There should be only 4 DK races:
Blood Elf
Forsaken (Human)

Why blood elf tho? The original death knight was an orc.

Original... Yes... Orcish Warlocks sealed in corpses of Humans. Servants of Guldan.

Lich King Death Knights make little sense to be Orcs.
03/11/2018 01:23Posted by Siffrah
Warlocks do not make sense for the zandalari at all because Loa > demon and to be a warlock, you would have to put demons before the Loa which would likely be intolerable.

They DO make sense because Zandalari society transcends the zealot upper castes. While Priests and Paladins are considered the higher castes, followed by less prestigious ones, there are casteless Zandalari not associated with a Loa. Warlocks, or Demoniacs if you would, have been known to exist ever since Vanilla. Zandalari can literally be every Vanilla class with the addition of Monk.
whats with these troll posts? we all knew what class they will be so why be a dog on it now?
04/11/2018 14:48Posted by Penya
whats with these troll posts? we all knew what class they will be so why be a dog on it now?

Simple, because the What's next panel announced 10 classes for the Zandalari, including Warlock, but now blizzard refuses to acknowledge the class in the official allied races site, so it is only natural that people want to have a confirmation.

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