Prob not since its visuals its kinda low compared to already released armors.
Haha! Made me crease. That put me off NB a bit, I think overall, in principle, they are stunning, but like a rough cut. Also, no rolling jump was just plain not fair.
If you want to be a gamer chad go zandalari, if you want to be not hunchy but still be associated with the hunchbacks go mag’har and nightborne just look dead ngl, they’re cool as mages ig.
Depends on which class you pick. Frankly I don’t like NB much. Zandalari dinosaur druids is great and I love the way brown orcs look when they swing a big axe.
Impossible to answer question as we don’t really know much about you.
The nightborne look pretty amazing, as far as elves go. But Zand’ and Mag’ are pretty strong racial trait wise and customization wise so I hear from other Horde players.
Since you main a troll I would say go with a Zandalari troll. But that’s just my opinion.
I like choose my race depending on my class so my Nightborne is a mage, my Maghar a shaman and my Zandalari a warrior. What class are you wanting to play?
Yeah… Class is important. For example racial glide of Zandalari where they summon pterodactyl to glide into safety screams hunter to me. Not like Maghar with bonus hp for pets is doing different ( Maybe shaman fits too since they have temporary pets… and soon unholy DK will be playable for them)
I am not just brown orc , I can be pale orc with emo teenager cuts and I can be rocky orc with red eyes too!
Zandalari trol priest! Best racials of all three. Or zandalari warrior (great aztec theme and good swords fr BFA).
I like my maghar and nightbourne but their racials are just bad…
Dead eyes ? Probably you do not know what dead eyes really are.
I say go Zand’harne for the best of all worlds.
Just play whatever pleases your eyes. Recently, I race changed my Orc warrior and I was going to change him to Mag’har, that was a long time plan to do but instead, while playing like 1 hour in character customization screen, I made him Zandalari Troll. It was just looking more cooler in my eyes.
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