I’ve got 3 allied races. I love them all… Equally…
How do I pick which? Which of these is the best of the three? I’m having issues and could use the help of you lot. I’ll obviously play em all eventually, but which is best, which should come first?
The one that you keeps looking at, continue to click back to and most often look at classes at.
Start with that one, because if you go against what you are unconscious are drawn to, you’ll hate the char you created <— That is of coruse not a real fact, I just know from myself if I do that I still end up creating the char I was looking most at.
(But if it was me I would choose the nightborne )
You can’t do anything wrong with Zandalari I think.
Zandalari and Nightborne both move weird and feel unfinished (imo).
Go Mag’har!
No contest…
Mag’har all the way. Their heritage armor looks so dope I can’t even…
You’re spoilt for choice!
As much as I dig elves, I’d say Mag’har. Would probably say Zandalari but they don’t wear shoes, which interferes (for me) with Transmogs.
Shame, since the Zandalari look boss, with some incredible hair. More tattoo colour options required though.
Nightborne are great, nicest tattoos imo, but as said look unfinished. Also NB hunters with a gun run very very upright!
Anyway, for me, Mag’har are more the complete package.
All this based on looks.
Say the Orc who move weird with the straight back option.
Strength and honor. Blood and thunder.
Mere words to others… but everything to us.
We are the last survivors of a proud tribe.
The uncorrupted… the unbroken… the Nightborne!
I would say Zandalari, they look way more cooler and I love their heritage armor.
Nightborne are nice too, I used to have one myself but still prefer Zandalari.
Also Zandalari got more customization options (for now).
I would say Nightborne but I’m obviously biased.
So I’ll just second what Moothilda said.
id go for zanadalari for actually useful racials, but if you dont care about the racials then id personally go with nightborne due to their “/silly” jokes.
dont go brown orc tho
mechagnomes or kultiran humans
I don’t play alliance, EU Draenor Alliance side is dead
C’mon, it’s new to orcs, they’re just getting used to it
Haha nice one.
The uncorrupted and unbroken Mag’har schpiel - love it. Mag’har are just badass
Just look at me and you will know which race
I look into your empty, dead eyes and constantly shocked expression and I immediately choose a Mag’har.
Nightborne sadly still need a lot of work.
My main is Mag’har, unless “normal” orcs get something rly amazing heritage armor.
isnt the armor u make at wod war mill pretty much their heritage armor?
Oi… nothing wrong with my straight back!
Just needs some getting used to thats all