Zandalari Paladins are disrespectful

Seems like bending some orcs ov… to Light side makes the rest grumpy.

Googled “Kul Tiran paladins” and infiltrated this post, i just want Kul Tiran paladin to happen FeelsBadMan

Understandable, have a great day.

Why did you rezz this thread? It should’ve been closed by now.

Necromancy happens.

It’s your faith that blinds you human. Clearly the light does not conform to your human ideals, since there are many others who can channel it for their own convictions. Be it the scarlet crusade, prelates, sunwalkers, the draenei directly from the naaru or even the old blood knights literally stealing the light from an enslaved one.

I do think that Kul Tirans should be able to be Paladins too though, so I share your sentiment in that regard. For some reason Blizzard chose to potray them as more attuned to Shamanism and Druidism instead… Well, their tidesages and wicker druids are kinda cool at least. You can always go KT Death Knight at least when you get tired of that whole light business buddy.

Edit: disregard my post I saw this thread was necrod now. Big troll kiss.

But they’re not light worshippers. They were decided to be sea worshippers instead. This is why they have shamans instead of Paladins.

And I actually wouldn’t mind the swap. They’re very off as shamans, so I would like if they had palas instead.

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Agreed, that’s the direction Blizz went with I spose’. Maybe the intention was to make them less like “just more alliance humans” so they gave them this other sea worshipper background as you aptly put it to give them a different flavour or some such. .

Flagged for vile necromancy.

your treason never stops to surprise me male human paladin saluting the enemy whats next are you going to open the gates for them too


Are you one of them RP realmers??? I thought I saw some of you talking with your guild-mates in front of the Cathedral of Light…Man, I wish to make a movie with all your characters one day…I promise!!!

I mean…us dwarves just dig a hole in the dirt and live there yet we’ve been palas since day 1

Because Zandalari and Tauren Paladins are not ‘true’ Paladins. They just have similar enough abilities that they are given the Paladin class.

The way a Paladin of the Holy Light gains their powers is different from how a Tauren Sunwalker gains their powers. But how they use them are very similar, hence both Paladins.

You ever get laid ?

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It is still the naaru who gives the power, but the zandalari gets then threw the loss blessed by the light.

But still we don’t have Zandalari Warlock even when they first had the power in Azeroth

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