[Zandalari RP] Painted Shields 🛡

yeah, i seen the new cinematic too!

i’m telling you on satrap, bad tetrarch.

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Janzi has begun work on a banner for the Seventh Rastari Cohort.
Guess the inspiration eheheheh



Love you Kump.

Today, the Cohort fought a Landshark: https://gyazo.com/581b2c14cead4efb6369a84fc2972f25
And a flock of gulls!


Ditto :heartbeat:
(Sorry don’t know why the image doesn’t show up for the first ones)

Edit: fixed, added a .png


Best guild. Would join again. This is why I have alts.


Today the Shields awoke an ancient mogu army of Terracotta stone.
It went ‘well’.





A Tale of Thunder;

Within Kun’lai, a Blackened Cloud stirs above the horizon, clearly not a good sign for a lone mon to deal with in a little tent.

It had been afew months since landfall he thought, and that this land is larger in scope than he had originally dealt with before, gazing towards his axe, it’s head glowing with the lining of lightning streaming from top to bottom of the weapon, giving off a hum as it does so.

He climbed the cliffs that had stretched from north to south, to the ridges of the Jade Forest and otherwise, of where he had last been. But that was days ago, now upon mountain ridges with snow a plenty, the howling winds crashing against the sturdy tent. Where was his pickup? He had expected an extraction back to the fleet a day ago. And yet all there was in the Sky was roaming Serpent Dragons and the singing winds.

”I shouldn’t move until daybreak…” Drakk’reruc stated to himself, the dark had crawled in ever so, feeling a drop of water upon his forehead. But he couldn’t shake off this feeling, as if eyes were peering at him, somewhere. Yet no sounds of steps, nor the rattle of mail or plate, or even leather against hide, nothing.

As he gazed about, the blackened clouds would unleash a torrent of water across the region, with lashes of lightning wildly colliding with anything within reach. But all Drakk’reruc could do, was groan to himself to sleep… But he still couldn’t shake off the feeling, his sleep would end swiftly.


The Talonfall Massacre,

Something had came up of which the Skyleaper did not wish to experience again, a great shame to his lot from the small village of Zouchin, did many a stain be gained on his, and others of his flock’s, pride.

The dawn had gazed over the battlefield, lines of the Zandalari and the Lesser tribes, rushing towards only peasant panda farmers and ill prepared Militia, the Village, by right of conquest, was theirs. If only it were so easy.

The Pa’kura Skyleapers, a side to the followers of Pa’ku, imitating the Pterrodax’s advantage of attack, swift dives from the sky. Using gliders to hasten their descent before falling upon the enemy. Many during the descent yelling “Restoration through Conquest!” As dozens attempted to dive upon fleeing Militia.

Yet all intercepted, by a single sound.

A zip of an arrow, striking Glider, and rider alike. Dozens of arrows. As numbers drop to the ground, others falling upon the other. As they fatally descend, only thing they can bring to mind is their shrieks as they did so. To be suddenly silenced by nothing more than a thud.

Drakk’reruc was one of the unlucky… Having been stuck on the ground while the others met their death, having to experience corpses dropping from the sky on top of your own bellow. Not one to ease the mind to say the least. As others die to fire, Hooded figures. Shado-Pan, responsible for it. Only being able to pick up a single body. A dead body. Not one more for the Pandaren to boast over… At least -SOMETHING- to do!

Yet as he and the Vanguard Captain had passed the Zandalari Vanguard’s gateway. His hands painted with the blood of his own kind. As he lowered the corpse against a ruined wall, he draws his hooked dagger, a trophy from one of these hooded ones from past experiences. Driving it deep into the broken statue of a Mogu, with only its legs remaining as he drives it into said leg… Stuck to it merely.

The full retreat was not something he wanted to hear… But to no choice, scores of wounded and otherwise, fled to the ships, or the walls. Heading westbound. To an Isle of Thunder,

The massacre forever a scar to the Skyleapers, having lost dozens that went with Zul’s fleet, others unfit for battle from trauma, and others. Having discharged back to the homeland.


push push pushin’ you up. up to the top.


pull pull pullin’ you away, away from the horde
we’ll have you one day, shields

a united empire :heart_eyes:


Teocalli boops your nose.

Submit to the Golden Throne, and all will be well.


But what if a giant dragon flies inside and burns your Golden Throne to the point of it melting? :thinking:


~ A Dream of AD, Chapter 13


Be sure to join the Based Shields… Yes, you heard me right!!!

…when i will get the shield of my own…


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Rak’huul vs Teocalli (2019, colourised.)


ah, so this means teocalli abandons rezan

good to know


Update: `https://gyazo.com/062aa2697a7e7751a55d8a4ec6ba7cce.png

We brought a dire troll.


The dire troll in the 100th post! Such a powerful dire troll it would be …!!!