Zandalari Shaman v Druids

Guys! GUYS!

I have been thinking about it; but if you consider the fact that Warcraft combat is fast-paced; wouldn’t that mean that both the playable Druids and playable Shamans are actually "Dark"druids and “Dark” Shamans? They’ll have to force Nature and the Elements to do their bidding within a short period of time without ever actually asking for their permission… Kind of like being a “part-time” Dark Shaman?

It’s just the engine. Don’t ask too much. I’m still a pal, even if my Loa is dead. I doesn’t even know why. Btw. Highborne sucks. Zandalar foreva!


Well I suppose thats one answer… But lorewise I doubt Shamans have time to ask the Elements for aid to, so they’ll have to force them eventually I suppose?

Zandalari Prelates probably replaced Rezan with Vol’jin or some other “unknown” Loa, anyways… How does it feel to have to live with the fact that Alliance actually can use the title “Prelate” and you guys can’t?

Seems you’re still jelly of the defeat at Highborne hands more then 10.000 years ago? Thats the sign of lesser intellect! And the reason you guys lost :wink:

Highborne managed to sunder a good chunk of Kalimdor…that’s an incredible feat of strength.

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I dunno. If there is no time to ask…

How does it feels that Tirion Fordring gaved me the Ashbringer, huh? Zandalari are worthy for everythin’.

How dare you are to speak this like to me? We Zandalari have an empire while you have to life in a farm! Who have better life conditions, huh?

An Empire…more like a forest and a swamp.

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Prelates are still loyal to Rezan’s teaching but their purpose is to serve any loa and defend empire.

Anyone would lost to someone who is in possesion of well of eternity, had it been gnomes who channel raw power then everyone would lose to gnomes. Take well away and elves are getting shortness of breath on silithid alone.
I call the ones who destroyed themselves to be of the lesser intellect. Your empire’s time came quickly and ended quickly.


Who lives in a pinneapple under the sea?:notes:
Spongebob! Squarepa-…Nope. The Highborne.

Highborne that blew themselves up and had to turn into oversized tadpoles.

Much intellect.

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The difference between shamans and druids is pretty obvious: shamans revere unliving nature, while druids revere living nature. Shamans manipulate life through the elements present in the living body (especially water), while druids control it directly. The difference is like between biology and physics.

In case of Zandalari trolls, shamans are the followers of those loa who control natural forces (especially Pa’ku, who controls winds, but also presumably Akunda and Gral), while druids follow the loa connected to life and the Emerald Dream (Gonk and Torcali).

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