Zandalari topic. When will the Alliance pay for their crimes?

Which is why the entire claim of first settlement means nothing.
You can go all the way back to the first germs having rights because there first.
I firmly believe in right of might.
If you can hold it.
It is yours.
I am not even anger the horde is holding ashenvale or darkshore.
I am anger at how blizzard made the night elves looks like toddlers with zero skill and the horde simply walking right over them.
And no the books dont change that.

So basicly the elves threatend with nukes?

Sounds very Azshara-like

Well I know many fanboys and people would disagree, but I actually believe this is a great opportunity to re-brand the nelfs.

I mean for 10.000 years they have been the guys always standing up to the Legion, taking preventive measures in the form of not practising Arcane and masters of Ashenvale and Darkshore. Their Territories.

Yet time and again “newer” (Humans etc not sure how to call it) have proven that we actually need every magic we can get Arcane and all, hell even Fel, to fight said forces. With Illidan being the pinacle of their mistaken approach, since not only had he found the way to defeat the Legion, he also led us to Victory using Arcane Fel and everything we could muster.

Then after mythbusting their “dont use arcane” culture, their Territories were found to be the only ones on a Horde dominated Kalimdor, so they were bound to be involved in this War.

Its a great chance to bring out the fierce nelfs , and personally I am glad they didnt continue that story on Darkshore cause how shallow would retaking Darkshore be… instead they can now be present in future conflicts very determined for War, much like how Genn is after Gilneas. We’ll have to see

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Funny and true.

I think most people just want warcraft 3 night elves back.
Even there they lost alot but atleast they where fighting.
Not just dieing to show off the might of the horde.

I did the war of thorn on a boosted blood elf warlock.
The entire time i was just dispointed at how easy the night elves died.
There was no feeling of struggle.
No victory.
It was like they wherent even there.
This was the race that gromm hellscream respected.
This was the race that defeated the legion in the past.
And yet in world of warcraft they:
Send there forces away to go prevent the horde from claiming silith when there is a massive horde army next door.
Said horde has tried and invade ashenvale 3 times already.
Get walk over like they arent even there.
Unable to stop a blood elf rogue who somehow has a 7000 year old reason to hate the night elves.
I mean i dont think blood elves every got that old.
They where long lived but not immortal.
But even if they did there wasnt any contact between night elves and blood elves until recently.
10.000 years without contact and this guy has a 7000 year old grudge.
I believe the author later appolige for this mistake but i am not sure.
Anyway back on topic.
The entire war of thorne and seige of loderan was an insult to alliance players.
Our leaders are turned into morrons.
Our forces cant fight.
And our dimigods are afk.
Instead of having the horde win a hard fought war against the night elves(something they can entirely do as shown in warcraft 3) they just curbstom there way to ashenvale and darkshore like the night elves wherent even there.
And that more then anything pisses me off about bfa.
The night elves didnt just lose.
They where reduced to little more then bugs for the horde to step on.

Sorry but I’ve been playing since WC3 (nelfs too ironically) and I believe you are mistaking what was “Orcs” back then, especially in the Ashenvale story where Grom kills Cenarius, with what “The Horde “ is today.

The Horde War Machine is forsaken and Blood elves, and nightborne and all that magic on top of Orcs, and Taurens and Trolls and demolishers and voodoo and Goblin gyrocopters etc

It makes PERFECT SENSE for a single race , namely nelfs, to be roflstomped by the might of a united faction.

So yeah… people who think like you do imo overestimate the nelfs.

Its like if the Alliance in unison with Draenai, dwarf tanks, gnome technology, nelfs, void ellfs and portals and Jaina attacked Silvermoon… we can write thousands of senteces about their rich heritage sunwell blah blah but they would be roflstomped.

As I said in a different post, in Azeroth there is no United Nation and the factions are the closest thing in globalisation.

So when the United States of America invade you and you are like “but we are this unique nation with rich history” well… you are one nation against several so it is expected to go sideways

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If we are going that route: we got tyranda infinite starfall. Malfurion master of nature, velen prothet of light. Andiun the chosen one. Greymane the good doggy, the vindicar teleportation system.
Jaina frost nova the entire battlefield.
The odds are so stacked in the alliance favor that the horde woud have been crushed before reaching darkshore.

And remember that awefull insult: the night elves send most of there forces away but there reqruits have an 8 to 1 kill death ratio somehow.

Tyrande or malfurion alone could solo the horde because of the power creep.

I dont mind the horde winning.
They outnumbered and out tech the night elves.
What i mind is how.

With a surprise attack man. If you read “A Good War” nelfs sent their forces to Silithus and then Sylvannas turned North and attacked them.

Jaina and all that you say werent quick enough to respond (lets recall Jaina was still afk since Legion) so as far as special individuals or leaders go it was Sylvannas and Saurfang VS Malfurion.

But then as far as armies go, the Horde army was waaaay superior than just the nelfs army.

Tyrande reached the scene too late only to save Malfurion. At that point with Malfurion wounded, the nelfs have practically lost… u know morale and all… so Tyrande simply tries to save whoever she can and Malfurion ofc

Beyond that “War of Thorns” we speculate about power levels of Vindicar Jaina, etc etc

But what happened was nelfs VS Horde. And ofc nelfs lost

Which is the first issu.
Horde has a massive army in the barrens.
The night elves go to silithus to fight the horde who are also moving to silithus.

Now what militery leader would send his forces away when the enemy you intent to fight are right next door with an army way bigger then what you send away.

Blizzard dumb down tyranda again just so the horde could do this totaly predictable suprise attack.

Which brings me to the point.
Vindicar can teleport people across the world and is ignored.
Portals to get any of these op charaters to darnassus are ignored.
Sylvanas isnt outsmarting them.
They are ignoring several ways to get to darnassus quickly.
Also velen a freaking prothet didnt see this comming?
Also despite being the arch druid malafurion doesnt even know swiftment.
That axe in the back crap not withstanding both malfurion and tyranda are skillfull enough healers that they could easly stay and fight the horde rather then pulling a paladin and heartstone out.

Ow i agree.
Even in warcraft 3 they spend more times fighting corrupt night elves and naga then horde or alliance.

She is a master healer and got elune on speeddail.
She could have simply walked inside the horde army and one shot them all even without the night warrior debuff.

One of most random thing in world of warcraft.

Yes and how.
Tyrande abbandons her people.
Malfurion get taken down by a minnor wound he or tyrande shoud be able too heal.
The night elves leave there lands undefended and dont notice an invasion in there lands despite there “connection” to nature.

Yes the horde won.
They always win.
Because blizzard forbid the alliance accauly gets a victory.

I believe any sane conversation ends here if you believe that.

They dumbed down Zandalar too. The worlds greatest navy with no port security lol.

Unless u believe that was a “masterplan” lol.


There was port security. Zandalati had wards alocated in Rastari warport which were reactivated after mogu invasion. You’d imagine that after having both mogu and blood troll outbreak they’d be twice as much on guard.


Thats my point you should take the plot for what it is, not what you want it to be.

Sylvannas succeeded in launching a surprise attack. Even if you think Tyrande can walk and kill everything ahahahaha, lore-wise, Sylvannas succeeded.

And the Alliance combining Jaina portals and void portals and submarines, succeeded in sabotaging Dazaralor. Now even if I believe King Rastakhaan should have sensed them and Bwonsamdi should be torturing on them on the otherside already, lore-wise, the Alliance succeeded and killed King Rastakhaan.

You can ignore the scenario all you want, or use the information from it to make sane conversations.

There is not a single description of Tyrande, walking raining stars killing everything. In the Well of Eternity, elunes light only protected her, she couldnt attack while in it. In WC3 Starfall has a channel cast that can be interupted, or since she dont move, surround and kill.

And in the novel Stormrage, the Nightmare breaks through her Light eventually. She isnt corrupted, but is defenseless.

She only oneshot starfalled people AFTER the night Warrior Ritual, and that makes sense as an obvious powerboost.

But Talanji with Bwonsamdi will soon avenge Rastakhaan

This we agree upon.
As terrible as the plot is.
It happend.

Talanji it’s a blood troll she will sell all the empire to Bwonsamdi or Kakkar will take her head,you just wait.
Ah,the treasury of king Dazar was untouched,king Rastakhan did nothing with that gold but to bay himself in pride.
Your troll tribe it’s only good for collecting frogs. You poor fools have no idea why are still exist and that’s not because of horde.
Go and pray to your pathetic Loa cause they days are numbered.
Di puta Zandala.

Well at least we still have a city!

How is your barbeque tree? What? Too soon?

Tree elves think they are better from us Zandalari… we have a city made of GOLD!!


Points as silvermoon, suraman, Moonglade, Stormwind, boralas.
All beter cities.
Gold is a worthless metal anyway.
It breaks to easly.

Tell that to that vendor who sells the mount you want in Gold

Why you think it is used for trade.
It has no other value.

So… we own you! Thx for confirming

Ok that made me laught.
Also nope people arent property tho if you wish to claim zandalari pratice slavery.
I would love to hear it that.
Then i atleast will have a reason to hate them other then:
They joined the horde.

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You can make lots of gold now,why don’t you send me a few million gold.
Stop comparing Ne history with Zandalari,you simply haven’t done anything but complaining about other races like NE.
Even the tortollan has achieved more then you.


Stop derailing my topic or expect me to flag your posts. That’s your only warning.