Zandalari Troll Paladin mounts?

Looking at mmo, it seems to suggest that Zandalari Troll Paladins, only get the 1 class mount.
Is this correct?
What happens to the other class mount I have, if I race change, from Tauren to Zandalari Troll then?

It will get changed into the mount appropriate to the race you’re playing.

You shouldn’t look at it as “only” getting one.

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I think you miss understand me…
Less the Legion class mounts and the Paladin only mount from the Argent Crusade, then all Paladin races, have two class mounts. So if I race change, to a Zandalari Troll, I seem to be losing one, as from what I can tell, Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Humans, only have one Paladin class mount. So, as for the non Paladin Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Humans, we get their racial mounts anyway, from unlocking them, via the unlock quest.
So what will happen, to my other class mount, from the original two?

You’re not losing anything. Zandalari paladin have their own specific mount which is called the Crusader Direhorn and they also get the regular race mount the Zandalari Direhorn

If I still misunderstand I’m sorry, but it’s not exactly easy trying to figure out what you’re asking here :sweat_smile:

edit; I can’t post links otherwise I would’ve linked them.

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You are misunderstanding me…
Everyone who does the Zandalari Troll unlock quest, gets the Zandalari Troll racial mount either way! So that’s 1 new mount added, without having to even ever create a Zandalari Troll character.
However, most Paladins, such as Tauren, Blood Elf, Draenei, Human and Dwarf, each have 2 basic class mounts. One gained at level 20 and the other at level 40 (2 Paladin specific mounts, not racial mounts).
So since I currently have the 2 Paladin mounts for a Tauren, that I just mentioned above, and Zandalari Paladins only get 1 Paladin mount, then I’m losing a Paladin mount, as each of the newer Paladin Allied races, such as Lightforged Draenei, Zandalari Troll and Kul Tiran, only get 1 Paladin specific mount.

So for my original question… “What happens to the one extra mount I have now, if I change from a Tauren, to a Zandalari Troll? Do I lose one?”

But since asking this, I do believe that I would lose 1 and for mount collectors like myself, that’s not a good thing.

You lose it in the sense that you won’t be able to use it anymore but the mountcount for the achievement won’t go down.

Zandalari Paladins have an extra Triceratops mount. I made a Zandaladin and had the icon for it strait in my actionbar . The mount count will stay the same.

The mounts stay in your mount collection, you just get the new Direhorn one and you can’t use the mounts for the previous race paladin. But they still stay. So you don’t lose anything and you gain one new mount.

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