Zandalari Troll Shaman travel form

Sorry if that is a spam, googled and searched forums, is travel form a raptor? Please link me picture if its already done or in progress.

I just googled the title of your thread. Guess what came up first.

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Omg, I must not be fully awake, because all I found was pictures of druid travel forms. I wonder what will be shaman spell name. Ok, sorry :frowning:

It will be a wolf, like always.

Meh, guess we have to stick with spectral raptor glyphs. Would be a nice customization though… :confused:

Why would they get something different when every other race has a wolf.

The ability is called “Ghost Wolf” even and every class shares the same.

Druid forms, Paladin mounts and Shaman totems are the only racial differentiations.

I’m sure the shaman form will just be that of a wolf, same with the spirit wolfs.

You can however, use those 2 glyphs to fix it :stuck_out_tongue:, your form and your pets are now raptors!

but it makes sense for Orcs because they have a kinship with the wolf spirit, so it would make sense for Trolls who have more of a bond with dinos to have a raptor…:slight_smile:

Yeah it only makes sense for orcs. Still all other shaman races have a wolf. Including Darkspear trolls.

i have no idea what a Draenei’s would be or a Goblin for that matter i don’t really see them as shamanistic anyway…the only part of Azeroth a Goblin worships are the shiny metal bits…:slight_smile:

There might be a chance they add more glyphs, who knows. But i do believe every race should have a unique spirit animal since they worship different ones. Like a spirit kodo for tauren :slight_smile:

Draenei’s would be or a Goblin for that matter i don’t really see them as shamanistic anyway

Indeed, those 2 races are more technological/arcane than elemental and seem really out of place. given what a shaman stands for, and the powers they embrace.

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