Zandalari Troll vs Tauren

I still haven’t used my 120 boost and want a horde druid for shadowlands. Was torn between these races. Wich is the better choice?

I prefer Highmountain Tauren, for the druid forms. But at the moment they are really lacking the amazing new customizations that regular Tauren will have.

I’d say go Tauren.

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One day… :frowning:

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Silly question


Male zandalari troll had best gears for all classes

Also cool new druid forms

Zandalari have the best horde druid forms so go with them

I would be using artifact skins anyhow, but the balance druid form for zandalari is compelling

This is not a fact though. I don’t like them, so for me they aren’t the best at all (for me they are the ugliest after the regular troll ones).


Female Tauren (including Highmountain) can get kitties to sit on the back of their stag form and ride around. No other druids can do this. Just something to consider…

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And don’t forget the flowers they will have soon.


Well i mean yeah of course its subjective :stuck_out_tongue:
Id say the best in the game are the KT druid forms but a lot disagree with that too.

Yeah, they are really cool but the moonkin looks really stupid…how could they? The wicker model was so much better!

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These are the sort of things im torn on, on one hand the zandalari have a more ‘‘normal’’ rig making more transmog look good

On the other hand zandalari just dont have the same ‘‘soul’’ that the tauren have

High Mountain Tauren, unless they really don’t get any extra customisation options.

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You already have an Elf druid (with “normal” rig), so a Tauren would be a nice change imho :wink:

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If you’re using the artifact skins, then perhaps going for the more “normal” rig of the zandalari is better than trying to find a transmog that doesn’t clip like a mother lover.

Which is what you’ll get with tauren.

Winds be at your back Dreamkore


I love Tauren and all, but like, Zandalari lets you transform into Dinosaurs making it the clear winner here.

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