Zandalari vs Tauren

Hi, who is stronger as a tank(guardian), zandalari with their Bwonsamdi/Kragwa loa + regen or Tauren with +235 Stamina, should be right, +2% to crit and aoe stun?

Stringest for tank only purpose is highmountain tauren for horde, kul tiran for alince.

But overaly, there are so low difference it doesnt realy matter, if u are horde.
If you want ally go nelf for shadowmeld, its op and meta in m+.

But overaly, looks>>>>>>>racials, if u arent pushing WFs/cutting edge, which u arent probably

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Pretty much what Lommatik said :slight_smile: Fully agreed.

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Actually isnt +235 stamina a lot? Also +2% to crit which is giving also dodge and aoe stan for 2 sec, can be used as a save on a pack in M+. Isnt it OP? Dont think that Highmountains with their 200-300 damage reduction and 1% to vers and their charge that isnt so good as Taurens stun can beat regular Taurens

Its critical dmg, not crit chance, from 40k dmg its does 800bonus dmg, aint bad but nothing gamebreaking.

It isnt that much, even flask gives more, but its somehow nice now with %hp coruptions and our %HP frenz regen healing. But still, 235stam, with all those 3% etc etc, make it 500, how much is that? 1-2%of hp? Its literaly useles untill u somehow doesnt drop to 2% and ur like “wow that tauren racial stam realy saved me there”

Yes, but HM tauren got same stun, it moves you too, which might or might not be better, depends on situation realy.

200-300dmg from every hit (not sure if there is some internal but it still stronger than 235stam in overal) and 1% versa which is literaly 0,5% dmg reduction. While versa is our “main” stat (all stats are good and it realy depends on content) its nice addition.

Again, its not realy worth it besides cosmetic, but if i had to minmax in tank purpose on horde side, i would go HM tauren.

Ahahah why you still play regular Tauren?

Actually its weaker, cause its 1.5 sec stun with 2 sec cd vs 2sec stun and 1.5 sec cd

Main stats are stronger in BFA than secondary, so stamina should be better than vers.

But okay, whats about Zandalari, on my Zandalari i have Bwonsamdi right now, and game is telling me that it gives me 4.5k damage=heal from proc, actually 4.5k heal isnt bad at all, but i cant rly tell enything about how often it procs

Because when i created this char thwre were no HM taurens, so i went sith regular, and i like basic tauren more, not because racials, i dont like antlers. But im envy because of HM travel form, that moose is lit.

1.5min vs 2min thats pretty much nothing, u dont use it on CD, in m+ u use it in certain situation, but yea its lower by 30sec…

Not realy true, while u cant exactly tell whats better for tank, usualy stam u get from gear is enough for stam cap(so u dont get one shot cuz of low hp pool) thats why we dont use stam flask and pots.
Also, for me, my secondaries sims higher than agility for dps, so again secondary>main. But thats dps.

Not realy sure dude, cant tell u what the proc. U can look on net which are best races for bear, and why.

But to me, it looks like there is no point cuz u clearly wanna go that tauren, so just go for it and be happy with your beefyboi

No i am not going to, at least right now, i am just asking cause i cant rly see for example dark spear trolls in top guardians, its about 40% Taurens 30% Highmountain Taurens and other 30 are Zandalars

Thats mostly because they are so close it doesnt realy matter on horde side

But where is regular Trolls then in guardian druid rating? If take a look on balance or resto there is a lot of Trolls

Because for resto and balance troll is far more ahead compared to rest races than for guardians.
As guardian trolls are least desired class because of their racial, and afaik people who wanna play troll prefer zanda because of their posture.
For resto/bala if u min max, even a little, u go regular troll because that haste racial is faaaaar ahead of everything else.

So racial make sense, or you want to tell to that specificaly for guardians they doesnt matter but for other specs matters.
Actually trolls have good racial, i used to play regular troll as guardian and their haste racial is good in M+, rly good on boses giving nice rage generation combining with guardian of ursoc its enought for whole fight with a boss

Pretty much, yes, guardians doesnt benefit from them as much as balance and having stun on demand is better than haste.

I dont play troll, and i have no problems with rage at all, so basicly going overcap is worthless, aside from dps increase it provides. But then again, ill rather have stun on demand + aestethics than some dmg boost every 2-3 min.

Its all about your personal preference

Tauren, they have a hidden +20% sexyness stats while zandilaris have a debuff with -80 Sexyness


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