[Zandalari/Troll Military RP] - Painted Shields 🛡

From the green lustrous jungles they would emerge with flash of red and gold. Battle hardened faces of the oldest mortal empire that still stands emerging in orderly lines.

Gilded warriors ready to fight whereever the ancient troll empire would require them. Ever ready to defend and kill for it. Painted murals of the Loa, Empire and their stories decor the worn painted wooden shields.

Empire Eternal! Seventh Rastari Cohort marches ever on!

Seventh Rastari Cohort commonly nicknamed as Painted Shields is recruiting any Zandalari or troll character who wishes to serve and aid the Zandalari Empire.

Main theme of the guild is around Zandalari Empire aligned troll soldiers who keep fighting despite the potential decline of the once great empire. Serving both Zandalari Empire and its Horde allies while attempting to work with other tribes the Empire is still allied with. The Seventh is ready to march whatever corner of Azeroth needs reminding of the Empires greatness while avoiding the dangers of stagnation.

Any Zandalari or troll from any tribe that might share these goals and does not have any heretical practices like blood magic, fel magic or necromancy is welcome. The Seventh belive that every tribe can contribute provided they are willing to work with Empire interests in mind.

The guild offers variety of weekly events from naturally combat events to exploration aswell anything related to the worship of loa and other mystic powers that troll society offers. And most importantly each character gets to chance to earn their painted shield and paint it themselves upon recieving it. Whether it be a symbol of their personal legacy or a work of art dedicated to their loa, every shield is unique and a symbol of pride.

To join the guild one must keep in mind few rules.

1. No ERP of any kind while in the guild, no lustfull bars and so on, no one is interested to know these things. you will be removed from the guild should this rule be broken.

2. IC is IC and OOC is OOC. Conflict happens and no one is meant to start OOC dislike each other over IC conflict.
3. Uniform rule. The guild as a military organization requires a colour coded uniform on duty, Every character from Unpainted to Tetrarch must wear gold and red coloured transmog. You can make the transmog yourself as you please aslong it fits the colour theme of the guild.

If you are interested you can contact guild master Akuh, T’zekra or anyone with the guild tag for more questions either with ingame mail or straight up whisper!

Here are some highlights from the many years of our roleplaying adventurers all the way from 2019!



Hell yeah! Five years and still going strong.

Empire Eternal.


Here’s to another five more, cohort!

Never conquered.

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Great guild, great members and absolutely great gm. You are a Troll? Better check them out.

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May the Empire and its holy soldiers prevail! :saluting_face:

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With the news of horde soon making landfall to Khaz Algar, the Seventh Rastari Cohort has prepeared for the landfall. Ancient foes await and the Zandalar is more than ready to match.

Painted Shields are ready to enter Khaz Algar where we will encounter all the threats alongside our Horde allies!

Here are some highlights of this weeks RP events!


Alright, who forgot to bump up the original forum thread?

Keep on going, 7th Rastari Cohort! :saluting_face: :shield:

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Swarms of Azj-Kahet, rise against the overcrawlers! Though just like the ancient enemy of old, the seventh Rastari Cohort alongisde their horde allies would meet them in the field of battle. Even if the way underground is long... and dark...

Heyo, this week Seventh Rastari Cohort has made landfall to isle of Dorn with our horde allies, facing against the might of Azj-Kahet with their viziers, spiderlords and darkest of magics.

Our stay in khaz algar remains, as we work our way even deeper underground. To the nerubians own home territory.

As usual, here are weekly event screenshots!



Seventh Rastari Cohort has continued the journey in Khaz Algar, reaching its depths in the Ringing Deeps, encountering the shadows within.

Only recently reaching Hallowfall, where light and shadow mix, both which are unpleasant. But the hunt continues for a spider lord as soon we will enter Azj’kahet properly.

Empire Eternal, its going to be like the Aqir wars once more!

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With our tasks done in Khaz’algar. Cohort has returned to other tasks once more. In Zandalar and outside. But one does not know when one needs to return underground.

Currently visiting Northrend and soon a rare visit to Outland to deal with threats there even if they feel far away from the Empire.

Here are highlights from our trip to Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet!

Ringing deeps: https://imgur.com/a/nifiXLa
Hallowfall: https://imgur.com/a/84V01O2
Azj-Kahet: https://imgur.com/a/m6FuphR

The Seventh remains a stalwart ally to the Horde, and to the Saurfang Legion. Di’chuka!

The multitude of trollish tribes are represented beneath the banner of the cohort, come together and make sure that their awesome power and resplendency is shown - seek them out on your troll TODAY!
They also helped the Swinetusks, and the rest of the Saurfang Legion stop a resurgent ogre empire in Blade’s edge - no finer warriors!


Happy new year as the Cohort returns to the jungles.

Back to the usual weekly happenings in the zandalari and troll rp once more as the guild closes in on its sixth year of being active.

What will happen then? Well we will see when the time is right. For now once more Zandalar might moves where its most needed!

Something especially happens in Zandalar so will be seeing us few evenings a week in there for a bit!

Empire Eternal!


This Monday aside with trouble with local goblins dealt with.

Shield ceremony was held an ever old tradition of the Seventh Rastari Cohort where Shieldmon and bloodied gained their new ranks. And get to paint their stories.

Soon Cohort is sailing to Stormheim to rescue eaten souls from the Dread Kvaldir ship Ormund The Worm, if you are interested in troll centric rp you can expect weekly events with dedicated npc encounters for immersion do contact us in game or even ingame mail to Akuh.



Seventh Rastari Cohort has joined our allies in Hinterlands after a trip to Stormheim.

In the Hinterland it seems an ancient evil has stirred which naturally leads that Zandalari Empire must answer. Even if Alliance and worse get in the way.

Though attack on jintha’alor showed the Empire and Horde might on the blood loa’s minions. The cursed blade aswell the spirit of its champion are still missing.

Leading to a familiar place, jungles of Stranglethorn.

For the time being Seventh with stick to our great allies in the horde and given them the necesary aid to beat it. You will be finding us in the eastern kingdoms for weeks to come!

Has bee great to be able to rp with the our friendly guilds, Red Venturers, Hand of Conquest especially. Looking forward to lot more!
