And whenever I watch videos of this, he only uses Sprittle so it matches up with their Circle, so they can remove it every time. But whenever I try, he uses it while I have several seconds left on my Circle.
Which is what leads me to believe he has been bugged with the latest patch.
I see some drift, but again there are points in the fight where he resets his cast sequence that let you realign your CDs, you also want to hold gate for an emergency instead of using it off cd. You should be able to get through the 5-6 minutes needed to kill it.
Remember you can also wait to see if brann dispels before committing a teleport too.
Yeah DPS Evoker has to alternate brann saving you and breathing every minute. Which means in P2 if he’s dead you can be in trouble. PvP trinket can bail you out once but the lack of consistency means a low ilvl attrition strategy isn’t very good. Need more ilvl to make the fight shorter.
Apparently flamebreaker preservation is also a good option for evokers. You have enough 30s burst for eggs and can use your regular healer dispel to remove spittle.
Zekvir has roughly 40% less hp for healers, and the egg has less too. The fight’s longer but not excessively so. It’s advised you still keep brann as healer tho cuz that also affects the hp.
Yeah I’d say 614 is still a very reasonable ilvl to expect to kill it at. Just most need a bit less, and some a lot less. It’s still a fair ilvl to expect someone to get for the hardest solo challenge bliz made.
Slayer warrior has a pretty easy time, can charge off the debuff and in P2 you can spell reflect the fear circle to do like 30m damage each time he does it.
I’ve done all delves on tier 11 but not Zekvir ??. I though delves tier 11 was hard as well but some storys are easier than others. You got to find the right ones to succeed. I can’t do Zekvir because I’m both not skilled enough and also my fps drops in phase 2. I seem to always step on a circle when the fps drops down to 5. My lvl 57 brann alywas steps in the circles in the end so he is useless as well. I think you need the good trinkets for this boss.
The slow/dispell mechanic can easily be “ignored” as warlock. You have soulburn and can (and should) use brann as healer. No need to blame the devs/game if you cannot handle simple mechanics.
I’ve beaten Zekvir only with those 2 classes you are struggling with, both within 10 attempts at ilvl 610. It was a cakewalk with both, and just to be clear, ilvl doesn’t make any difference because your DPS is more than enough at your ilvl and if you get hit you die regardless because he does like 28million per hit.
I think what you are struggling with is understanding the fight, it is not a race, it is a marathon.
With Brann set as healer, Zekvir’s autos will never kill you, ever. The only thing that is gonna kill you is failing the mechanics.
Important things:
For the Warrior, you should play Fury.
Save small cds like Odyn’s Fury for the egg.
Save Charge for dispelling the poison/slow (don’t forget the talent ofc).
Stay ON TOP of him and move sideways to dodge frontals, never move backwards unless he is casting the slow and you wanna charge in.
For Warlock, play Destro:
Make proper macros (Soulburn+Demonic Circle to remove the poison/slow, and use it PREEMTIVELY to avoid the damage as well) Spell Lock macro for @boss1 (Zekvir) and Amplify Curse/Curse of the Satyr.
Try to save Soulburn procs and both Conflagration charges for the egg, but even without them you’ll be fine, just make sure you swap your pet instantly to attack it and spam the heck out of Shadowburn.
Keep Curse of the Satyr on Zekvir at ALL TIMES, boosted with Amplify Curse.
Place your Gateway and teleport circle in adecuate places so you have an ace up your sleeve if something goes wrong. I placed my Gateway from East to West (as you enter the room) and the teleport circle at the stairs behind the boss so if add spawns there I can instantly attack.
Stay ON TOP of him and move sideways to dodge frontals, never move backwards.
Yes I agree, people can make it, but my FPS drops too low in phase 2 so cant really move correctly. character moves either to far or short and gets hit by swirlys