Zekvir Hard, Terrible Boss Design

I just tried it on 632 again. There is absolutely no chance to kill 1 egg :joy: And a repairbill of ~2000 is enough. I admit; too hard for me :slight_smile:
Good job to everyone able.


I get absolutely nuked as a bm hunter(622)) as I can’t even use my pet to tank since it just from 1-2 hits.
I did try on my 612 retri and it already feels a bit better so gonna keep trying on that while getting more geared up. Though I do feel like its too much for me, gonna take too long and I know if I get to almost to the end and die, I just get frustrated and can’t do it :smile:

brann as healer makes zekvir hp less scaled as far as i remember
it that help anything

pets unfortunately got 1 shoted by zekvir :confused:
so healer brann it is

I despise the Zekvir fight for the simple reason that i strongly dislike any fight that requires me to play in a way not fitting my spec.
I am a bm hunter, im not supposed to have to take the aggro to prevent my pets from getting slapped into next week, yet the only way to do it is to use abilities that wont make my pets attack, grab the aggro, make sure taunt is off and pray and still end up having to res them once or multiple times during the fight.

Thats not me saying this is hard to do or anything, thats me saying this is, in my opinion, the single worst piece of content of the last 2 expansions.

Assuming Brann gets zero dispels, which he won’t.

Part of this will be the 602 paladin is decent while possibly you are less accomplished? I’m not saying it to be mean but 620 should be plenty for this encounter if you play that class decently well.

dont know ez tank no problem whit it just go tank ez fix

Sadly, his dispels are extreamly unreliable.

yeah as demon hunter maybe…

Roll gnome and get Escape artist :smiley:

VDH, Prot Warrior, Prot Paladin, Brewmaster, and Guardian Druid have recorded kills in the 605-610 ilvl region. Prot Warrior even has a kill in something resembling 580 ilvl using 550 weapons. No the fight does not scale with ilvl.

The only tank I can’t find a 600-610 ilvl kill on is blood dk, though I wouldn’t say tanking it is easier than DPS.

They are unreliable yes, but you have the tools to cover the ones he doesn’t get if you just give it the few seconds needed to see if he dispels first before you do anything. You also have gate to cover emergencies and can generally see which ones he is / isn’t going to be able to get you on by his hp bar / rez timer in P2. You don’t need him to get all of them, you need him to get like 3 across the entire fight.

Are those records before or after the Bran nerf? It’s because he was a lot more OP at the if why people where able to do Zekvir ?? on lower ilvls. Most of the guides too were made when he was more useful.

There are 3 different versions of hard mode zekvir based on when it was changed.

1: Brann solos the fight for you (Week 1 only)
2: Brann bugs fixed + hard tuning (Weeks 2-4?~)
3: Brann fixed + new tuning (Week 3-4 to Present)

1 is easily recognised because brann is soloing the boss.

2 and 3 have a few clear differences you can see to work out when it was recorded.

  • The boss has 215m~ hp in 2 as opposed to 187m in 3
  • The web cocoons have a spawning animation in 3 (This is the easiest way to tell on low quality kill videos)
  • The web cocoons have less hp in 3

All the videos I reference when I discuss Zekvir, as well as tips and explanations I give for mechanics, are for the current version. Version 3.

The videos

Prot Paladin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9slVMX-BUdY: 607
Prot Warrior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6pDXbja9RY: Mix of 620 ad 530, roughly averages out to 580 (This is an exhibition kill of someone seeing what’s possible so they had to use worse gear than they own).
Vengeance DH: https://youtu.be/2-bT5v5CkCs?si=yq_4Jke2QJWvAbgQ: 607
Brewmaster Monk: https://youtu.be/n7bA5jHmOWA?si=R2156T85RGcxNwY4: 604
Guardian Druid: https://youtu.be/tEISvMTeCMg?si=kRXvtlWh0Fp2W39X: 612
Blood Dk: https://youtu.be/pJcF3rYvK_M?si=18eh7-bIYw7T9syf: 606 (Though it’s not a comfy kill)

In fact, this guy (https://www.youtube.com/@kortecctwitch8611/videos) seems to have made a habit recently of recording himself doing the fights on various specs at various relatively low ilvls. Even healers at this point. Looks like he’s trying to do all of them.

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Resto Shaman kill if you’re looking for any inspiration / Motivation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDyp3KrAu7g 600~ ilvl

My main hunter only high ilevel. Cant solo it.
I will wait next season give easy get high ilevel.

But, do they will remove reward (void airship skin) after Season 2, right? I dont worry it. Since look meh

Yeah the void look for the mount is tied to this season. They might nerf Zekvir on the last weeks but wouldn’t really hold on to that possibility.

I got my paladin at high enough ilvl, only issue is that I’m not that used to playing it that I can manage this intense fight.

You’d have a much easier time on your hunter just due to the ilvl / familiarity.

Thanks but i have tried to do that, indeed. Some players are just not good enough and i am fine to be one of those. I have currently also such an insane repair bill from zekvir that i cant afford trying either, so i whatever :slight_smile:

I tried, best I can do is 80%. The fight forces me to be a tank and my pet dies too often anyways which then leads me to loose most of my dps and then die when I’m rezzing it. I run out of my defensives and self heals way too fast to be able to do the fight for 6min or more.

Also according to wowhead, 6% of profiles they track have gotten the achievement of killing him on ??.

Do you not have brann on healer mode?

I do but the pet dies from 1-2 hits if it gets aggro(doesn’t have the taunt on either) which usually happens when I run away from the fear or something else. The pots Brann throws around aren’t frequent enough to stay alive.