Zekvir Hard, Terrible Boss Design

They despawn before the animation disappears and then bug and stay there. It doesn’t affect how long his bottles last or how long til he throws the next ones, just means there’s ghost bottles if you didn’t soak the previous set.

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atleast he is there cheering on u so u dont feel alone :sweat_smile:

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That’s super impressive! Grats.

Looks like the only part you struggled with was finding your Delver’s Dirigible afterwards.

Yes :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Have you found any guide for rsham for it? I wanna try but not sure what the optimal talents are.

I have seen a video on youtube but not a guide. I have just accepted i am not good enough for it. Which is fine :slight_smile:

Do not give up friend.

I guess that you can do as I did as healer even for sham and if you have interrupt its very easy !

I gave up trying on my Vengeance DH, I could not get him below 60% even on L8 (easy mode?).

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I cant kill an egg, so it is just what it is.
I cant afford it anymore either. Repairs are too expensive.

Yes i saw there was a video linked further down, will give it a look. Maybe i’ll find the motivation to try again.

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Rsham has less dps than a holy priest ?

You might be helped by brann for dps the egg

Press “N”. Spec elemental.

I’ll show myself out!

I dont know about hpriest.
I did try it for forever on brann dps, with the arrow. But then i got recommanded on another talent and later on brann healer. I have tried everything.

It is really fine. I do not need to be able to clear every content on the highest level.

I am utterly useless as elemental :rofl: no clue how to play that (or enhance). I could probably go in and try with my retpala, but i kinda like doing these things on my main with my mainspec. Seeing other rshams have managed with lesser ilvl gives me hope i could maybe manage aswell, will at least give it a try again!

We do not mention that filth here :))))
Torgahast was … whyyyy.

Could have been turned to be a word id be silenced if i used here so lets just say no more about it eh ?

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