Zekvir Hard, Terrible Boss Design

They should be, they also provide a stacking heal over time buff so its best to space them out a little.

Yeah you want to be staying like 5-8 yards away tops, just dipping out for the fear and trying not to disengage backwards away from him when clearing spittle.

Nope, there are enough posts on the internet stating that it’s bugged for BM; pets often get oneshot and generally take way too much damage since the start of the expansion, especially when compared to Demo WL’s pets. If a bug forces you to play your spec wrong (not having your pets tank, letting them resett aggro to not die etc., needing to misdirect on Brann) it’s just badly designed.

Idk I think if a core mechanic of an encouter is metering out resources to manage your health pool and a spec can completely ignore that by having their pet tank it for them, then it’d be bad design to let them.

The aggro issue should be fixed, but BM shouldn’t be able to just have their pet tank the boss. And even still it’s very doable as has been repeatedly demonstrated. I’m honestly curious why some people seem to have no issues on BM hunter and others can’t even get their pets to stay upright.

It should just work like in all delves; there you also have to manage pots to heal your pets, because mend pet doesn’t heal enough, but your pets don’t keel over just after one hit by the boss, basically making them a hindrance instead of being part of your spec.

Honestly should make it so zekvir ignores them completely.

That makes zero sense; hunters are ultra squishy because they have a pet to tank for them, it’s part of their class and a reason why playing MM in the open world doesn’t work. If pets don’t tank, they’d need way more self sustain.

Are we playing the same game?

Maybe 10 years ago they were.

My Hunter is 620 and tried ?? a few times, either the pets instantly die when I send them in or I get dropped to red HP by the boss and while getting the potions on the floor am already dead; turtle has quite a long cd as well as the other three self heals. I’ll try on my pala later on or just forget about it, as someone above stated, the mount is ugly anyway.

(and from all classes I’ve leveled, Hunter felt the worst from 76-80; pets dying to quest mobs dispite being healed - yes, Hunters are squishy)

Very squishy. Lot of the time I dont even survive the first pull on Zekvir because I have to be there to take the hit. Sure I could pop my defensives but thats just gonna make getting to even halfway that much harder.

Are pets dying from auto attacks or from getting hit by mechanics? The latter would be nice because it would mean that you also need to micro manage your pet to keep it alive instead of just parking it on zekvir.

This should be a ting is every boss/elite mob: if a hunter has a pet taunt on, it should be one shot.

Wow aren’t you sir, full of sh1@t? Ilvl602 Retri bursting 10m? Dispelling a magical debuff? Summoning mount and rainbow Unicorns start xploding out of Zek’s behind?

No sir, you are terribly wrong. If by HARD you mean “?”, I still hold my doubts. Everybody onows how RNG the fight is to begin: get an add and have Zek aim his AOE at it and you are done for.

If by HARD you mean the “??”, the you are ulrimely delusional.

auto attacks

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Errr, the burst DPS check for the egg is 362k DPS. Spittle is also a slow and can be removed by blessing of freedom.

In my opinion, the fight’s difficulty is ok.

The problem as a non tank player (feral druid) + healer Bran was random crits. Sometimes he crits twice in a row which bran healing can’t handle. He crits for 3.5M, and normal hits for 1.7M. My hp at the time I killed it was around 5M.

As a tank (guardian), I tried when my ilvl was 615ish and Bran as DPS, problem was Bran’s DPS is unreliable, sometimes I manage to kill the egg, sometimes not. I didn’t make many attempts as tank, and haven’t tried since.

It’s not my fault that paladin is easy? i play paladin since end of legion it’s not like i rolled one just because of zekvir and even if i did play for example warlock i would destroy that boss because i have the basic knowledge of this game
and it’s if you fail you repeat till it clicks and then you will do it :smiley:
My mate in guild destroyed that boss on low ilvl warlock yes it took him more tries cause he clicks on his spell but he did it.

Roll a paladin or shadow priest or something that is also easy if you struggle with your class ? :smiley:
i said it already

It’s not if you only care about rewards :smiley:

But it is because it will teach you few things you can use in actual endgame like m+ or raiding

I did it, with no interrupt spell but this dumb dwarf’s.

Yes, its torture :dracthyr_nod:

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The fight has a lot of important concepts for higher content that solo / less enfranchised players likely haven’t come across before. Things like cd management, matching utility to mechanics, planning positioning, baiting mechanics, and the general level of reaction time the fight gives you.

It’s all very standard stuff for those already doing harder content, meanwhile it won’t necessarily cross another player’s mind they should be holding their cds and only using half of them at a time on the egg so they have the other half for the next one in 30 seconds.

Brann seems to be out of order most of the fights with Zekvir(i’ve managed to get him down to 40-50%) and my character doesn’t pick up some of the bottles that Brann throws out. Something is definitely fishy about this boss.