Zekvir Hardmode is "Almost" impossible for Delve Players

they also get mythiccrests from maps .

Had some goes on the ?? difficulty just now, my best attempt was 40ish%. (heal got off as I wiped so a bit hard to say what it was exactly)

The dps check for the eggs is very tight at my gear/skill level, I have to save cooldowns just for them and even then I’m only barely killing them and it does feel a bit rng about how his abilities overlap.

I was doing it as Retri with Brann set as healer, I don’t know if Brann leveling up will help much or not as a healer though.

I did see a warrior do it post-nerf so it is possible, though they were able to cheese the fight a bit by a) Shadowmelding to despawn adds and b) spell reflecting the aoe fear which does insane damage to the boss as well as letting you stay in for it. I think I can probably do it with better gear/Brann and more attempts, though yeah this is a tough one for sure.

Yeah the three specs I think have the easiest time with it are Shadow, Retri, and Fury.

Personally as ret I would run execution sentence and the talent that causes wake of ashes to give you mini wings. That all lines up every 30 seconds.

A macro like

Will help you target the add as soon as it spawns and ensure Execution Sentence’s detonation goes off before the spawn timer runs out.

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Yeah I’ve been running the standard Herald of the Sun m+ build which has execution sentence and wings on wake of ashes, if I try again I’ll give your macro a shot though. :slight_smile:

Had a thought just now, I wonder if Templar might play better for this fight with the extra burst attack - something to think about anyway. :slight_smile:

Do you have a 4-set?
Do you have mostly hero gear?
Is all your gear upgraded to the maximum possible level using highest crests possible for the content that you’re doing?
Is your gear mostly following your stat priority?
Zekvir is not meant to be killed on week 2 of the season.

On top of that zekvir doesnt seem to be designed as an end boss for delvers, but a solo challenge in general. Think more like mage tower rather than a raid end boss. Oh and if you’re going to say “oh but he’s part of the delve system and you need to do quests to unlock his delve” by that same logic the mage tower was meant to be doable by anyone who does quests because you needed to go through a quest chain to unlock it.

Yes, that’s why I said I killed it yesterday.

The point wasn’t that the fight can’t be done at all, it’s that the fight is badly designed because several specs don’t have access to tools necessary to complete it regardless of ilvl, and it is heavily influence by both Brann RNG and Spell Queueing.

It is absolutely as hard as Blizzard can make it for people who are supposed to be able to kill it at 615, and for that I am genuinely pleased and applaud them. But there are still issues with the encounter.

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Grats on killing it. The only real comment I have is that if it took you to 615 with the 4 set to kill it, its going to mean mere mortals (like me!) need a lot more gear. You play a lot closer to a classes potential than the masses.


Think best attempt i had was about 50% before he ran away, and my gear is not even top level yet.

Uh I killed that guy like 2 weeks ago didnt even know it was meant to be a challenge just wanted the mount was like 599 ilvl or something

I do, but I did also write a comprehensive guide for it and the fight isn’t really about being good at playing the class as much as it is following a script.

It’s also why I think 615 is the perfect tuning for it, delve players can get to roughly 620 with crests over the course of the season. So they have some wiggle room.

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Since then the fight has been changed significantly, brann is now unable to tank and is much much weaker / does much less damage.


I see well I tanked it as Enhancer and just healed myself guess its class diff too

And how much damage was brann doing?

The fight’s very different to what it was the first few days of heroic week, you’re still easily geared enough to do it again though if you want to.

Dont really know how much DPS he did I just used him actively to aim at the eggs to help me maybe I will give it another try, didnt follow his nerfes just thought since he was at Level 15 when I was doing it and now hes Level 40 or something he should do more DPS

Just napkin mathing he ends up weaker than he was back then at level 15 than he will be at level 60, let alone 40.

I only remember that I had like 2 spiders casting on me at the last 10% or something and I did LOS their casts last second at the entrance and ignored the eggs entirely last phase could help too

You do realise this is supposed to be an equivalent to the Mage Tower challenge?

100% this is impossible for me, I have 60 failed attempts now on a ilvl 605 Guardian Druid. The frustration is born out of not even being close to making progress, I’m not being defeated by a lack of skill or concentration, it’s purely a lack of DPS that I’m nowhere near close to making up for in ilvl. My main DPS abilities hit for only 250K so it’s impossible to get even the first egg down before it hatches, raising my ilvl isn’t going to change that by enough. If I pop cooldowns I can maybe get it to 30-40% before hatching, without them I’d be lucky to do 50% and then I’m dead from stunlocks.
What I have noticed is that you can sometimes cheat the mechanics, if you run to the other side of the room when the egg spawns, the spider won’t get aggro’d and will despawn… however, Brann the absolute useless will more often than not be targetting it and ruin that. I’m not even sorry for trying that, this fight is impossible for me.
I also tried using the Relicblood of Zekvir curio to increase damage, but it seems (intentionally?) nerfed or bugged in Zekvir’s Lair. In other delves, the drops are everywhere… dozens of them, but in here I don’t get a single one.

Well Raiders have a signific boost since they can obtain the best item for this encounter and is the trinket Mad Queens Mandate ~
3+ million dmg on use that works with buffs/debuff/damage multipliers and of course crit,

This trinket highly remove / cheat the boss ability Call Web Terror~ since the proc on average is 4.8 mill dmg at 606 ilvl ~ and if you use dmg multiplier(Cds) ( As Bm i got some nice 10 mill/hits:D )

Subtely Rogue on video hit for 18 mill dmg (Pretty sick)

So everyone that is doing this encounter will want this trinket even on Lfr version .

A very good and hard battle but having some specific raiders items make the encounter 10x easier*

I’m Sorry, i dont mean to be a D*** but. You wrote an entire paragraph about an encounter thats only been available for a week and you have three months to kill until the next patch.

Even people who just use the LFG or Delves are not even close to the best gear they will be able to obtain within the next few months.

i would understand if you wrote the paragraph at the end of the patch. But now? At the Beginning? A few weeks in? I’m sorry its mental.
We’re not always supposed to be able to kill everything right now. This is a process that takes time.

Now if people run into these issues in, lets say, 8 weeks. changes are required. but as of right now, lets keep it this way. And yes remember, this is not a solo game. Maybe the encounter shouldn’t be solo able. Perhaps is time people get a friend that does have an interrupt.

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