Zekvir Hardmode is "Almost" impossible for Delve Players

They have achievements / FOS for soloing it. If they have that then it follows that people skilled at their class / spec should be able to do so. That is currently flat out impossible for some roles / specs.


For now i have the same. Allthough in this topic it is listed the egg has 11M on ??? For me it already had that amount of health as healer on just the 'easy normal ?

I suppose i will try again on like 630+ ilvl :slight_smile:

I believe, you underestimate a bit , where Delve players cap, I’m exeprimenting with delve-only approach and I have feeling that it’s reasonable to expect mostly heroic gear with 1-2 champion slots and max upgrades by the end of the season, so 620-625 looks a bit more reasonable as an estimate (you have ~ 7 looks on heroic track gear per week, 4 loots from maps and choice of 3 from the vault). And it is on low roll, full heroic with max upgrades is achievable with minimal luck and reasonable time investment.

This, however is a problem. The big problem is reliable kick (30 cd of silence and 15 cd of rogue kick is a huge difference, especially given unpredictable pattern of zekvir abilities), also important is ability to output damage on the move and ability to switch fast. Classes are really different in this, ex. for affli lock it’s really hard to switch fast (you need all dots to deal the damage, as your main damage output rupture deals damage proportional to the number of dots. It’s ~ 5 seconds before you can start dealing damage and ~10 seconds to ramp up close to your average dps), all spammable attacks requires you to stand still and kick is on pretty long 24 sec cd.

I’m not sure if it is essential to make every spec viable (I haven’t tried other specs and I"m not sure how good is ex. destro lock at switching, if it feels good at least on one of specs I have no problems with the fight being hard on affli), but ex. for heal priest with no kick at all and low burst this looks straight up impossible and would require significant rework.

the mage tower is way easier than zek

For some reason, egg hp is Brann spec dependent. I assume that as a healer you go with DD Brann, this makes eggs significantly beafier (still not 11M on ?, though, I believe DD Brann means ~ 20% hp buff).

This i don’t understand at all in delves
i get the dodge or interupt or dispell stuff
but why are mobs there hiting me for half of my HP just with meele attacks?
you not going to be able to outgeared that at all i’m 610
and i don’t believe that 20 ilvls will stop these meele hits at all

It’s really strange, I was doing delves solo on tiers up to 11at least 4 per day since the start and I never had problems with melee even though I’m far below plate-wearers in phys hit reduction.

One-shotting spell hits with no cast cd before nerf - I felt it, one shoting melee castable abilities - check, but melee damage always was more-or-less reasonable, at least for me. It even felt weird to the point when I was more happy to face-tank two melee monsters than deal with a single caster and doggie was my pet of choice for a long time.

Then i need to go in again because it was for sure 10M.

I tried it ~a week ago. With 2 friends (tank and dps) and the egg was 30M. Then afterwards i tried alone and it had 10. To me it looks like it is 10M per player.

It can be different now?

I doubt since you need Gilded Harbringer Crest and the only way is from m9-10 and Mythic raids and 95% of Solo Players-Delve players won’t do that and beeing in the range of 616-619 ilvl .

I doubt any Delve-solo player will do mythic raiding for the crests :smiley:

So Hero items would be capped at 4/6 or 619 ilvl.

I haven’t checked ? this cd, last week it was 5136K for heal Brann and 6420K for DD.

I will check it soon again. It was 100% 10M when i tried it solo on my resto shaman.

You are getting some gilded for open world activities and if you got full heroic, you should outgear runed.
With just open-world activities it should be enough to upgrade all heroics to max in ~30 weeks.

So I put some more attempts in, best is 21% now but feels like I’ve hit the limit on what I can realistically do with my current setup. Main issue I’m having is in p2 Blessing of Freedom isn’t ready often enough for the enfeeble casts and Brann’s cleanse isn’t reliable enough.

On top of that Execution Sentence/Wake of Ashes is sometimes not ready for egg spawns either and I’m barely killing them as it is.

If anyone has some paladin-specific tips or videos I’d appreciate them, (mostly dealing with p2’s increased frequency of abilities) the only video I could find of a paladin killing ?? difficulty was with pre-nerf Brann.

That Ansurek trinket does sound interesting though, I’ll have to see if I can get hold of it somehow.

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Sems that i missed them (mind to point those activities ? )

Have no idea, tbf. I’m just absolutely sure that I’m getting them-)

It’s only from the map and the chances are quite low:D (And you get 3 :smiley: )

It’s around 9 per week, or an upgrade every two weeks. You have about 40% of map per day (a bit more due to zekvir encounter). Even if you were unlucky, during the whole season it will even up a bit.

Is it at all surprising that many specializations are having trouble with this?

Even the mage tower challenges were specifically tuned for specific specializations.

There’s some variety in personal shortcomings that Brann’s customization can cover, but there are fundamental differences in class mechanics and character mobility in particular.

My main issue with it is that eventually most of you will simply overgear him, rather than having the devs fine-tune this so it could remain an evergreen challenge of player skill.

I did it as mistweaver within an hour though.

I specifically wrote this after beating it myself to highlight what’s required to do it and the issues the fight has even with the required ilvl. An ilvl I have, and Delvers will have in roughly 6-8 weeks as you mentioned.

The achievement reward for defeating zekvir specifically requires you to solo it.