Zekvir Hardmode is "Almost" impossible for Delve Players

the ? one was a 1 shot for me
did it on 2 different characters first try

the ?? one is impossible
best attempt is 80% , cant kill eggs quick enough

it might just be one of the achievements i jsut say NAH and forget it exist

I’m going to attempt ?? next week after vault. Will see how impossible it is. If you don’t hear back from me it’s because I’m wallowing in the misery of my incompetence.

I’m not sure if it was fixed, but it was cheesable with spellreflect early this cd (you could reflect one shot mechanics for a free kill).

You can feign death the spider once it spawns and despawn it. Throw trap at egg, wait for it to hatch feign, repeat.

Hunters as low as 608 have done it this way.

Personally I think cheeses like that should be removed in spirit of the encounter but exploit early exploit often as they say.

The title was a bit clickbaity to get some engagement (It worked). It would be fairer to describe the fight as “As hard as an encounter designed for DPS at 615 ilvl can realistically be.”

Doubt that’s something they would fix, you can do that with a lot of the bosses. The curse of agony spell in the mines was also usable like that until they nerfed curse of agony (so it no longer hurts as much to the boss either).

Spell reflect is probably the single best utility ability in delves as a whole. I very much doubt it’s a free kill tho, the one Warrior who did it is literally top 5 Warrior player in the world, and arguably the no1 for M+. Have there been others who did it?

There’s confirmed kills with arms and fury that aren’t just critcake. Spell reflect works on the fear in P2 and while it’s not a 1 shot, it’s an enormous chunk of his hp you can lop off each time you do it.

Interesting to see which is the best spec, Fury has far better survival but Arms single target dps is much better. I guess I’ll find out next week, maybe I’ll be back here crying about how hard it is, especially if Blizzard stops reflect working.

The only thing DPS related that matters is who does more in a 30 seconds interval burst window.

You need to play slayer though, idk if that’s what arms runs naturally.

There are others as well. It’s not completely free, but it allows to mostly skip the second phase which is the hardest part of the fight.

Usually reflect does not work like this on bosses, so looks like an undersight to me. Would be surprised if it is intended.

Yeah I’d suspect it to do some damage but not THAT much.

I’m gonna disagree somewhat, in solo and M+ content spell reflect has worked on pretty much everything in the past, from completely immuning one shot abilities to doing massive damage, maybe it’s an oversight to make the damage do 30million though, but there are a few other instances of this working like that in Delves.

In the Earthcrawl Mines I’ve had Spell Reflect do by far the highest damage on that boss, and you might think that’s wrong but if you go back to TBC Classic, in Mana Tombs Spell Reflect would also be by far the highest damage there too. When it works, historically it has often been outright broken, only a few times have they changed that. Sire Denathrius was a time they did change it.

It was 2 reflects for a total of 58m damage. That cannot be intended.

He did well to get through P1 (with nelf cheese to despawn a spider) then 2 spellreflects and boss was dead.

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Well said. Feels doable this reset at 615 and a 4pc. Best advice, as you said, is to coordinate CDs for the Eggs.

Feel this would’ve been a much more positive encounter if Blizzard didn’t fumble its launch, with many players cheesing through it with OG Brann. Hopefully we will get more of this in the future, the concept is great.

im sure plenty of people will clear it once they start hitting max dvelve gear.

if you cannot due to lack of skills ? i given you alternative.

good chocie would be also gearing up mutliple chars and then choosing meta one for clearing it - like a blood dk :slight_smile:

yeah, went in with ilvl 605 as a prot warry. left after 3rd. i will be back much later :slight_smile: not that much of a sweater to try for ever and hope for rng. if it wouldnt be for that egg, the dmg is not a worry, as a tank.

Encounter was heavily nerfed and I did it now. Still not faceroll, but it feels like a tier 11 delve while the original was more like a 12+. Notably the eggs are much easier to break now and they come out slower as well; so in phase 2 I always had ES/Ashes up to break them while pre-nerf they came out too fast in p2 to reliably have cooldowns up by egg spawn 3-4 or so, making me hit a wall at around 20% hp.

Yeah I went back and did it again after the nerfs. Felt like I could have killed the eggs twice over.

Kinda disappointed they chose to take a sledgehammer to it when it only really needed some tweaks, at least for DPS.

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Any idea how much health the eggs have now compared to before?

They have about 8m hp now and a 20 second cast time, pre-nerf it was about 12m and a 15 second cast time - big difference.