Zekvir Hardmode is "Almost" impossible for Delve Players

Just to check.

Zekvir has two difficulties. One called “?” And one called “??”. The “??” Difficulty is significantly harder.

The fight has also changed when blizzard made all the brann hotfixes. Previously a player could sit back and have brann near enough solo the fight. Brann can no longer do that.

Nvm then, I did it on the lower one.

I think you overestimate average map rates, 4 a week feels a little high. Despite that though I’d suggest most delve only players hold on to their gilded crests to craft 636 items later on in the tier, instead of use them to upgrade heroic track items from 619 to 626.

I estimated roughly 1 gilded crest per day on average from maps, so 90~ days to get a 636 weapon.

they need to buff brann for zek, it was overnerfed

or they need nerf the auto attack damage from zek by atleast 50%

Yes, 4 is a bit high, I’ve corrected it to 3 in a later post, but didn’t update the original one as I already had responses there (you have a bit more than 40% of map per day).

You should outgear runed in a reasonable time (active delver is capping runed every week) and it will be the main source of gilded once you do.

With crafts the math is even more favorable for delvers. The main disadvantage by the end of the season will be set and trinket ilvl.

Personally, I’ve decided to go for 626 weapon first, as I want to kill Zekvir ?? earlier, but I agree, that crafting is more effective way if you are ready to wait.

I only counted 56 runed a week from delves and I generously said roughly 600 runed crests needed, given free crafted crests from other sources and potential vault rewards. Did I miss something?

You do. You can get them from non-bountiful, in an easy delve like Fungal Folly (it takes less than 10 minutes in my current gear) you can cap them easily.

Ah, that’s a surprise. Ok so.

90 a week, needing roughly 600.

And, I’ll be generous, 1.2 gilded crests per day.

So after week 7 (This is week 2) you’ll be able to get an extra 15 gilded crests a week.

After 7 weeks you’re done with runed and have 59 gilded, and every week after that you get 24~ gilded crests. So week 9 you can make a weapon and upgrade 1 slot (Needing 2 upgrades per slot).

I think 600 is an overestimate as you should prioritize spending them on vault/heroic track gear, but yes, math looks close to correct, it’s a weapon in 2-3 months.

That’s why I went for an upgrade, as I believe I’ll be able to kill ?? before that.

byt the end of season you will be 635 if you care about hard achievements.

then dps shoudltn be a problem

Fair enough. I’ll stand by 615 being an admirable tuning goal for said content though. A little wiggle room isn’t going to hurt and if you want more of the challenge you can always just try to do it earlier.

Blizzard do need to address the issues with role disparity and spell queueing though. And take into account the lessons learned when we get a new delve boss next tier.

Given the content is part of delves, something we’ve discussed caps a player out at roughly 620-625, expecting people to need full mythic gear is a little unreasonable.

The fight’s designed for DPS, not tanks or healers, and even then some DPS simply don’t have the tools necessary to survive the encounter regardless of their ilvl.

I don’t think 625 to 635 gap will be such a gamechanger. Most if not all of the specs who can do it on 635 should be able to do it on 625 as well. It’s more of mechanics design: interrupts, fast switch, damage on the move, which are making or breaking the fight. And it is spec not gear dependent.

Pretty much. I’m maybe less concerned about the last two compared to the first one. Being better at planning your DPS abilities is a skill, not having a movement dispel and dying to something you have recourse against is not.

Tanks and healers just need straight up different tuning on the fight.

Damage requirements are really specific and not all specs have the tools.

Given that it’s 15 sec window with less than a minute recast it’s close to impossible to apply DPS for some specs. With afflock, skill or not you need at least 5 seconds to apply dots/haunt and only then you can dps and spam rupture. In my current gear outside of cd (i.e. every second coccoon) damage is nowhere near enough to kill it, especially if you need to lose a second or two on movement. Maybe outgearing will solve this problem, but it does not look like this. Most of the other classes/spec have much easier time switching targets. Personally, I’m ok if I’ll kill him in other spec, not a big deal for me.

Perhaps aff is a unique case in that respect, I moreso meant movement planning. Knowing what’s coming and saving the limited tools you have to deal damage through it is a skill, one the game at large needs to do a better job of recognising and rewarding.

I’ll wait until a rsham has managed and then i will give it a go (and probably fail horribly over and over again :rofl:).

Aff is in a really weird spot now. We are not a dot class anymore, so there is no freedom of movement, but we still need all our dots applied for our spammables to generate procs/deal damage.

Target dummy dps is great, cleave is awesome, but in a real fight there is too much things that can go wrong. Movement hinders dps significantly and ramp-up is slow and it is reset on cleanse/immunity.

Did the ? level one - kinda glad I haven’t had access to the ?? one, it would have droven me way more insane than I already got on ? level.

Guess it will have to wait for me to later, whenever I bother gearing etc ^^