Why is it that Zek’vir, a boss designed for Delves, which were introduced mostly as single-player content, is nigh impossible to do, even after the nerfs allegedly made to it?
I’ve tried different setups between myself, and Brann, and the most successful I’ve been is going in as a tank, and Brann as a DPS. Best I can get to is 80% before he actually manages to do an auto-attack for half my health, or the egg hatches or he heals himself because I’m trying to kill the egg before hatching.
On my main I’m ilvl623, Brann is lvl47. I’ve seen videos and tested this fight several times, but it feels obscenely more difficult than previous single-player challenges such as the Mage Tower.
Why, Blizzard, make such idiotically difficult content? This is not challenging. It’s punishing, frustrating and not fun - it adds to the glaring list of obviously untested issues this expansion was released with. Do better. Please do better so that there’s an actual justification for a monthly fee to be dumped into this game.
EDIT: please disregard early typo on the title - I meant ?? (the harder difficulty mode), and not the first, which I had no issues with.
?? however… I gave it a few tries some days ago. I could probably do it given enough tries but I just felt “meh” and RNG. I’ll probably give it a go again before the season ends and I have some better ilvl.
Delves were actually introduced as something you could do with one other player.
I remember it fondly because I called my friend and told him about delves coming in TWW.
Zekvir is nowhere near as hard as Mage Tower challenges. Zekvir has some specific mechanics you have to deal with in a specific way, spittle and the egg in particular, after that it’s just pretty straightforward. RNG can be rough on some pulls, but by and large with enough pulls you will have the fight on lockdown and it’s numerically very slack.
There are videos of people doing it well below ilvl600, I was ilvl610 without set bonuses when I first did it as Arms Warrior, but there have been Prot Warriors doing it below ilvl600 and some Shadow Priests doing it damn near naked. Mage Tower challenges were more mechanically intense and with really tight number tuning, unless you did them with raid gear at the end of Legion or something and just outgeared it.
Yeah as far as low ilvl tank kills I’ve seen 580~ prot warrior and 605 prot paladin on “??” Difficulty. Blood I haven’t seen but 620 should be more than sufficient for the DPS check, especially if you run the zekvir blood rune and ramp it up over the course of the fight.
@Ellipsis Your vid inspired me to have a go at ?? on my priest alt [thanks for the vid, and congrats on the naked run].
Apart from the mechanics of the fight, and switching out talents to reduce the CD of Silence and break snares, was there anything that you changed in your rotation? It looked like you were holding back Shadow Crash for the cocoon, but I couldn’t always tell what you were spamming.
Always held crash torrent a plague’s worth of insanity and either dark Ascension or mindbender. Also played targeted crash with a macro to make it auto hit eggs when they spawned.
With more gear you just need torrent and crash, but doing it with that little stats I needed more damage.
Advice for Zek’vir is try and do it as dps cause thats the most likely way you’ll meet the dps checks.
I’ll be honest I wanted to get it until I actually got into the Dirigible and tried to fly around in it and then I stopped caring about anything dirigible
Why does a plane flap its wings? The turbocharged flying machine doesn’t.
Why does a plane that moves like a cartoon plane have a void appearance? imagine how many other mounts this would’ve looked so much better on.